Hogwarts Letter & Diagon Ally

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Everyone was chatting and eating/drinking when Stefan walked up to Klaus and Kol "Can you guys explain this soulmate thing to me?" Stefan asked "Sure, it's rare for people to have a soulmate as it doesn't happen often" Kol states "It's like a best friend but more...it's the one person in the world who knows you better than anyone else it's someone who makes you a better person, actually they don't make you a better person you do that yourself because they inspire you. A soulmate is someone who you can carry with you forever it's the one person who knows you accepts you and believed in you before anyone else did or when no one else would and no matter what happens you will always love them and nothing can ever change that." Klaus explains "Now since everyone has taken a break let's begin the first year" Death states making everyone go back to their seats just as the screen turns on.

" Klaus explains "Now since everyone has taken a break let's begin the first year" Death states making everyone go back to their seats just as the screen turns on

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Maya was sitting in the garden playing her guitar when Draco walked up to her "Maya our Hogwarts letters came!" Draco shouted excitedly causing Maya also to get excited she put her guitar back in its case and grabbed running with Draco back into t...

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Maya was sitting in the garden playing her guitar when Draco walked up to her "Maya our Hogwarts letters came!" Draco shouted excitedly causing Maya also to get excited she put her guitar back in its case and grabbed running with Draco back into the house to the living room where Narcissa and Lucius were waiting holding their letters "Here you go you two" Lucius said giving Draco & Maya their letters before they happily opened them

'Dear Maya Salvatore-Malfoy

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Your school term will begin on September 15th of this upcoming school year.

If you should choose to attend and become a student, you will be required to report to the Chamber of Reception where transportation will be provided for you by the Hogwarts Express, departing from King's Cross Station. Platform 9 at the time and date given and will only be visible upon your arrival.

We are eagerly awaiting your confirmation owl to arrive by no later than August 1. We very much look forward to receiving you as the new generation of Hogwarts heritage.

Yours Sincerely

Minerva McGonagall'

"We got into Hogwarts!" Maya and Draco jumped up excitedly hugging each other then Lucius and Narcissa "Let's stop by Gringotts before we get your school supplies" Narcissa said kissing their cheeks "Okay!" Draco and Maya said running to their rooms to get ready to go. "What's Gringotts?" Klaus asks "Gringotts is a bank in their world that is run by Goblin's" Death explains "Goblin's?" Damon questions skeptically "Yes Goblin's now that we got that covered let's continue," Death says making everyone chuckle and Damon pout as the screen lights up.

After taking money from her vault Maya turned to her family "You guys go on ahead I just need to do something real quick" Maya said making her family a little curious but they went on ahead. Turning to Geld the troll in charge Maya walks up to him "Sir may I ask to take an inheritance test?" Maya asks "Sure come with me" Geld answers leading Maya to an office and sitting down before placing a piece of paper in front of her and holding out a dagger "One drop of blood is all you need" Geld hands the Dagger to Maya, taking it Maya cuts her left pointer finger and lets a drop of blood onto the piece of paper to show the information.

Name- Maya Salvatore-Malfoy

Age- 11

Species- Core Witch, Nightwalker Hybrid

Family- (Mother) Savanna Malfoy, (Father) Stefan Salvatore, (Aunt) Narcissa Malfoy, (Uncles) Lucius Malfoy and Damon Salvatore, (Cousin) Draco Malfoy

Soulmate- Kol Mikaelson & Niklaus Mikaelson

Heir of Slytherin

Heir of Gryffindor

Heir of Hufflepuff

Heir of Ravenclaw

Heir of Hogwarts


100% Intelligence By Albus Dumbledore

100% Eidetict Memory By Albus Dumbledore

100% Beauty By Albus Dumbledore

100% Soulmate Bonds By Albus Dumbledore

40% Magic By Albus Dumbledore


1000 To Ron Weasley

1000 To Molly Weasley

1000 To Hermione Granger

2000 To Albus Dumbledore

All Family Books And Jewelry To Hermione Granger

Illegal Marriage Contract To Ron Weasley

Everyone was pissed especially the Salvatores and Klaus Mikaelson and Kol Mikaelson "I'm going to kill that old goat!" Kol yelled, "How could they do this to a child?" Rebekah asks exasperated "40% of her magic was blocked that means she's going to get even stronger," Damon said not seeing the look in Elena's eyes but Stefan did "Elena you better leave my daughter alone or I'll kill you" Stefan threatened making Elena scared as she never saw this side of him

Maya was angry, so angry that her vampire face came out shocking the goblin "I want all transactions to be terminated as well as the Marriage contract and I want everything to be returned plus interest. I also want to terminate all blocks" Maya demanded "Yes Miss" the goblin assured nodding Maya calmed down letting her vampire face fade away as she got up and left to meet with her family ignoring the magical surge going through her body. After getting her robes and supplies Maya and Draco headed to Olivanders to get their wands promising to meet Narcissa and Lucius at Florean Fortescue's Ice-Cream Parlour, walking into the shop Mr. Olivander popped up behind his desk "Ah Draco Malfoy and Maya Salvatore-Malfoy I presume" Olivander asks making us nod "I remember your parents coming in for their wands quite a firecracker Savanna Malfoy was, anyway I have the perfect wand for you Mr. Malfoy" Olivander goes into the back before coming back handing Draco a wand "I remember every wand I make, that one is 10 inches and constructed out of hawthorn wood and a unicorn hair" Olivander said as Draco's wand glows making him smile then we try to find my wand. Maya has tried a couple of different wands making things a mess around her "I wonder..." Olivander went and grabbed something from a high shelf before putting it in front of me "I remember making this one Miss Salvatore-Malfoy it is very special as it is the only one of its kind, White Oak wood from a tree that was burned down long ago, Unicorn Blood, Blackthorn, and Pure Silver" Olivander explained before handing it to Maya causing the wand to glow as everything around fixed itself back to normal "Mr. Olivander can you add something to my wand for me?" Maya questions "Of course what'll be?" "My Blood," Maya said before it cut off.

"Why does she want to add her blood to her wand?" Bonnie asks "Because adding her blood makes sure that no one can use her wand except her" Death explains "Now no more questions right now, we can continue tomorrow," Death says making a door that leads to a bunch of rooms with name placks and everyone goes to their assigned room.

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