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Hotch: Which one of you did it?

Rossi: Aaron what are you talking about?

Hotch: Someone messed up my office

Penelope: Oh nooo! ☹️ what did they do?

Hotch: Every single thing was moved two inches to the left
Hotch: Everything

Emily: girl why are you pissed about that 😭
Emily: it's 2 inches calm urself I'm sure u can fix it

Y/n: no hes so real if someone moved all my stuff id kill them and myself

Derek: I think you just want an excuse to commit suicide at this point

Y/n: well i mean yeah
Y/n: its okay chat #livelaughlove 🤫

Hotch: Is anyone going to own up to it?

Derek: It was Reid 😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️🤞

Spencer: What? No it wasn't.

Derek: Mhmmmm

Y/n: blaming someone else sure sounds like guilty behaviour 😭🫵

Spencer: I agree

Derek: I'm gonna touch you

Emily: you'd know a lot about that wouldn't you 😬 #carlbufordcore

Y/n: OH MY GOD ?? 😧⁉️

Derek: Speechless rn 😭😭

Emily: sorry that was a bit out of pocket ☺️

Derek: It's ok I laughed

Y/n: yeah bitch we heard

Emily: but fr tho I'm #sorry that u got touched when u were a kid tbat's not okay 😖🙄 where's carl buford @ I'll go beat him up I'm so serious

Derek: It's okay I'm in my healing era 😜👐

Penelope: I can heal you 😉😍

Derek: Yes u can mama 🫡

Y/n: pussy power

Emily: ngh

Y/n: ok...

Hotch: Are none of you going to admit to moving my things?

Emily: it was a ghost

Y/n: haley came back to haunt him 😔

Derek: HELP 😭😭😃❓

JJ: Oh my 😭

Hotch: Okay then...

Y/n: sorry chat 🤫

Emily: don't apologise for serving

Derek: The only thing she's serving is time in jail


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