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Y/N'S POV ::

To say that I was surprised seeing my brother standing on the doorstep of my house would be an understatement. I was having mixed feelings the moment I saw him but my doubts disappeared when he barged into my space and hugged me. I didn't bother pushing him away,instead I just stood there silently, welcoming me. "Now that's a surprise." I muttered.

"Wouldn't you invite me in?" Sungmin asks, causing me to let out a sigh while signaling him to get inside. This is the very first time that he is at our place so Sungmin's eyes roamed around the place, taking it in. "Your house is beautiful." He says, plopping down on the couch. "Thanks." I smile, nodding my head. "But I bet it wasn't that pretty before your marriage." He adds, a grin plastered on his face.

I look around the suspicious room, taking in its beauty. The penthouse was not just a penthouse anymore. It's a home. Our abode. Taehyung says I make this place look like a home and it feels lively here. "Well, a home is made by the people living there." I sighed out, shaking my head. "Would you like something to drink?" I questioned.

"Maybe a coffee made by you." Sungmin passes me a knowing smile as I make my way towards the kitchen. A few minutes later, I bring the coffee and watch him still looking around the place. Clearing my throat, I place the tray on the table. "Thanks!" Sungmin exclaimed, taking the coffee mug. "Shouldn't you be at the office? Or your CEO husband is giving you special treatment?" Sungmin eyes me from the rim of the cup. I roll my eyes, taking a sip of my coffee before I reply to him.

"My internship is over, idiot." I muttered. "So no work?" He asked. "For now. I'm just staying home." And it's super boring but most of the time I find a lot of work that keeps me busy. Especially my business plan which still isn't complete yet. "That must be boring." Sungmin replied as I shook my head in denial. "Not really. But...what brings you here?" I raised an eyebrow at him in a question. My brother smiles at me, settling his cup down before he speaks.

"Took you a while to ask that question." He says. I roll my eyes. "Cut the bullshit. I know you're not here for no reason." I state. "Why? Can't I visit my sister now?" He asked. I gave him a stern look. "You never do. Is today any special occasion?" I pushed the question further. He licks his lip, head nodding in agreement. My brother opens his mouth to speak but before he could utter a word, a familiar cold voice cuts him in, the voice echoing in the house. "What the fuck are you doing here?"

My head snaps in the direction of the voice, eyes landing on Taehyung. "Tae.." I mumbled, watching my husband walk inside with a not so pleasant expression on his face. It's weird how I admire him even in this disastrous situation. I don't fail to notice how his sleeves are folded up till his elbow and his blazer is hanging on his arm.

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