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runaway kid wakes up lifts himself up, yawns and stretches his arms feeling better than before. he takes the covers off
him and gets up from his mattresses seeing nic and leader are gone. a bit cautious he exits the tent and see them sitting down
near the engine sitting down on a large blanket as other nomes sit with them eating pieces of bread while the two take bites from
their larger pieces of bread.

HUSK: where did they get that bread?

NIFFTY: aww! look at them eating together with those nomes!
it looks like they're having a picnic together!

CHARLIE MORNINGSTAR: *sparkles in eyes and smiles* so adorable.

VAGGIE: but how did they get tha bread?

charlie just cutely shrugs to her girlfriend making vaggie chuckle softly at her girlfriend's cuteness. but vaggie
and husk still wondered how those children got that bread for them and the nomes.

runaway kid walks towards them as they see him coming the nomes were a bit nervous seeing runaway but nic
reassured him and waved to runaway to join them.

NIC: hey there runaway! how'd your sleep go?

LEADER: probably does since he don't look like shit anymore.

RUNAWAY KID: heh heh, yeah. i slept well. *sits down on blanket next to nic and leader*
how'd you guys get this bread from?

LEADER: from the guest area where all those fat pigs eat at. me and nic go up there
to steal bits and pieces of food they don't eat.

RUNAWAY KID: the guest area? what's that?

lead and nic look to one another with unsure expressions whether to tell runaway kid about the guest
and what they REALLY eat. they don't want runaway kid to witness any of the horrors they've seen.

many of the audiance wince knowing what the guest actually eat and the horrors of the maw don't want runaway kid
to hear of those horrors since they effected six drastically and might give the poor boy PTSD if he ever witnessed it before
hand. many think the two should tell runaway kid but the others think it's best they don't tell him of the horrors that awaited
him and other kids being sent to the kitchen.

the two turn to runaway kid who looked rather confused at the awkward silence that's happening.

NIC: don't wanna know runaway, trust us.

RUNAWAY KID:'s that bad, huh?

LEADER: *nods and balls fists* have no idea.

runaway kid simply nodded to this since and picked up a large piece of bread nic and leader left for him and starts eating
it with the rest. a nome cuddles to runaway kid's side eating the little piece of bread nic and leader brought for the nomes.
runaway kid looks down at the nome and smiles a little at it and strokes it's cone head as it made an adorable sound.

RUNAWAY KID: aren't you adorable.

NIC: they all are. they even sometimes want to sleep in our tent and cuddle next
to us for some comfort.