4 // May, 15

15 3 3

Today was horrible!

Like another level of horrible.
I know I sound like I just want some attention, but I don't need it anyway, bc i already have the best friends/ fam/ community/ Internet besties.

So today started off with no sleep at all this night, and like I do it since a few weeks, I am getting up at 4:30 so it's a little before 5:00, so it's waaayyy more time for me.
Then I had like a little mental breakdown bc of my hair. As my makeup was done, I felt pretty bad. My belly was hurting, as I were super sleepy. I weren't hungry, and didn't ate alot, so I were hungry in the after.

Yeah however I got to school half an hour before I normally would go into the car, to still go to my locker, bc since I have a new classroom for two dunking weeks, I had to go to my locker, before the whole doors at this floor would be closed for whatever reasoning. (Some exam stuff)

As i got In my classroom, (the new one)

I started crying because of a bad fight w me, my brother, and my dad. However, bc of that fight, I had to go by bus, in the afternoon.

School continued, and I forgot about my drink as well, as I had ate all of my food, and I were hungry as hell.

I then had a fight with a really good friend of mine, which we talked about later, and we got friends again.
I slept in my last class,- which was French.
My teacher noticed, and was kinda worried.

The whole day I had a lot of stress, and still had to do homeworks while some other lessons.
I actually still have to do homework.

Yeah however, I then ran with some friend to the bus, which was super hot inside, and also a lot of people were in it. But that wasn't everything: I had the first time ever, that my ticked got checked. The actual valid one, which was the newer one, I got a few weeks ago, wasn't valid. The old one was. Damnit. So the driver just took my ticket, and let me pass through with the other one.
As it was super sweaty, and I had like some kind of panic attack, because he was driving really fast, and I didn't even had a seat, so I landed on the floor.

No one noticed, and I'm grateful.
I decided to take another line this time, so I didn't had to take another bus for 20 minutes again, for which I should had wait 20 minutes too.

As I were there, with the same friend, I ran to the bus with, I was super exhausted, and had to walk up like a few streets, whose were like so mountain alike. This took me like 30 minutes, I acpected it to be like 10 minutes. It was so exhausting, I have cramps everywhere on my legs now.
(My friend only had to walk 5 minutes)

As i was home, it was still raining, and I met the friend of my brother, with which I had to got home, as my dad told me. He was waiting infront of our door, with his ma. His ma then told me, I should text my dad something. Then as I were in the house i fell from my chair.

Yeah that's it.
Bye 🤟🏼

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