The Birth of Orc Disaster

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The combatant people of the Goblin village now heading towards Residence of the lizardmen. They were equipping their weapons for the upcoming battle.

Rimuru rides from Ranga while Saitama rides from Blue.

And then they meet Souei holding an injured lizardwoman while there are corpses of lizardmen and orcs nearby which was already dealt by Souei.

"Souei, what happened?"

"She was battling the orcs and left wounded"

"Looks like Souei already killed the orcs but unfortunately her companions died before we can arrive"

Rimuru leaps and approached the injured lizardwoman before he made her drank a heading potion which she tries to resist.

"Relax, this is a healing potion"

After the lizardwoman drank the potion, she cough and got herself healed before she kneel down asking for help while pleading.

"Please, help my father, he was imprisoned in our residence because of my idiot brother! Right now a group of orcs are attempting to kill him and his people"

"Souei, can you help her?"


"Damn, why are you so cool?"

Saitama looking impatient:
"Can we just finish this? Let's end the battle right away"

"Oh come on, don't be such in a hurry"

As Souei left with the lizardwoman to help the king, the combatant people now headed towards the battlefield.

They can see Gabiru battling the general of orcs, struggling and injured, but once he was about to get killed, Gobta saved him and parried the orc's attack.

The lizardmen were surprised after some reinforcement arrived.

"Are you the leader of the goblin village!?"

"Huh? I'm just a normal goblin"

Orc General:
"You mere goblin, how dare you interfere our duel!"

"And how dare you try to conquer the Jura forest"

"You evil people will pay for this"

The Orc General can see his men getting killed by Benimaru's Hell Flare, a massive explosion that kills thousands of them in an instant. Beninaru spam his Hell Flare that massively destroyed orcs in the way.

"For Saitama-sama and for Rimuru-sama!"

Shion raised her cleaver as she slash the ground, cracking the path and sending the hundred of orcs flying away before they get killed by her powerful impact.

Shion giggled as she make a cute pose

Ranga and Blue fires off lightning strike towards the armored orcs

Ranga casted a tornado spell killing off hundreds of armored orcs in an instant

Blue casted a huge beam from his mouth and burns hundreds to thousand of orcs in an instant.

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