The Truth Hurts

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"Hey, man, you alright?" Toby said, snapping his fingers in front of my face, trying to break the trance I was trapped in. It was already broken quite a while back, but I couldn't find the strength to respond to the boy's panicky gestures.

My brain felt too clogged. Scattered. Scrambled like eggs in a frying pan.

Eventually, though, I nodded at him and slowly got up from my chair in the Security Office.

"Sorry, Tobes. Rough night."

Toby reached out to grab my arm to help me up, but I staggered backwards.
"Please, don't touch me..."

Toby rounded his lips and nodded in understanding. "If you don't mind me asking... what happened? You look... pretty shaken, if I'm being honest."

"Nothing... nothing... I just..."
I just used up all my power and almost got caught by Freddy Fat-bear and found out that the guy who left me five tapes for five nights to help me survive, died while listening to his own advice on the second-last night and--

Oh my God.
There were
five tapes.
five nights.
Does that mean--?

I could feel my figurative heart brimming with hope when that realization hit me. Maybe... just maybe Phonie survived! He made it out. Escaped the place victorious!

"Hey, Toby," I started, my voice trembling with pent up excitement. "Do you... do you know what happened to the nightguard before me?"

Toby scratched his chin. "Nah. Not really. Haven't seen him in a while, actually. He was really cool, just a little paranoid... wait- the animatronics actually move around at night, don't they? Hm. Guess he wasn't all that paranoid, considering the circumstances..."

I was growing impatient. "When was the last time you saw him?"

He furrowed his brows, eyeing the heavens in an attempt to remember. "Um... I think it was on last Thursday morning...? I think he quit after his fourth night. Maybe. I don't know, man! The nightguards here leave too frequently! I can't keep track of them all!"

I groaned, nodding slightly, rubbing my face with my palms. So Phone Man's survival is up for debate. I doubted Fazbear's would leave any evidence of his death even if it did occur.

"Thank you anyway, Toby. See you later..."

"See ya! Oh, and... get some rest. You look like too much like a zombie, even for a zombie!"

I chuckled lightly. "I will. Don't worry. Don't get your foot stuck in Foxy's mouth again, 'kay?"

He shot me an awkward, embarrassed smile. "Wasn't planning to, but thanks for the advice."


If I were a sane human being, my gut would tell me to make my way back home and rest, like how Toby advised me to.

But I'm neither sane, nor a human being, and I don't even have  a gut.

So instead, I found myself at Henry's doorstep, repeatedly and impatiently ringing the bell.

Instead of Uncle Henry, I was greeted by his little mechanical assistant, Ella.
"Can I help you?" she asked, semi-robotically.

In all honesty, I've never been fond of Ella. She never attacked or hurt me like the other animatronics, but something about her wide, lifeless eyes and overall vintage appearance unnerved me... a gutless gut instinct urged me against trusting her.

"H- Hello, Ella... um... is- uh- is Un-- um... is Uncle Henry there?"
Ugh. What's wrong with me!?

"I'm sorry, but could you repeat the question?"

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