Chapter One: The Offering

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My sister's and I were always praised by the villagers for our curls of orange and fair skin.
The Mayor often visited us, bringing gifts and food at least once a month.
Our parents were always so gracious and thankful, never expecting such kindness when they had sailed across the sea in search of a new home.
They didn't see the truth. The reason the town valued us.
Not until they stormed through our house.
I heard my father shout, which woke me and my sisters from our shared bedroom.
My mother screamed and the sound of heavy blows cut them off.
Our bedroom door was kicked in.
Estelle, the eldest, kicked and punched the man who grabbed her, hitting him in the groin and splitting his lip. He was the town baker.
He grabbed her by the arms and threw her to the ground violently and kicked her, only stopping when Mayor Fiennes stepped into the room with the other male villages. Two men stepped forward, grabbing and binding me as I struggled.
"Don't harm the offerings." He scolded, back handing the man who assaulted Estelle. "If you'd like to explain to their new masters why they've been injured, go ahead." He glanced at every man, pausing on the ones who held my sister's and me.
Erina, the middle sister, screamed against her gag, trying to get anyone to stop this. Looking at everyone as we were dragged passed our parents bodies.
I did nothing. I felt broken. Numb.
They forced us into dresses of thin silk, beaded and adorned with leaves along the skirts and bodices.
The fact they fit us perfectly did not go amiss.
My mind tumbled into an abyss of whys and how's as the men placed us in the back of a steel cart cage, sealing it with a large lock.
No one said anything to us as we walked through the forest, following a barely visible path I'd never noticed.
We travelled for what felt like hours.
Estelle hugged Erina and I to her as we cried, scowling and cursing at any of the villagers who looked towards us.
New masters. Who? I peered around, trying to spot another carriage or a house.
Something that would indicate where we were going.
At some point we turned into the forest, just the cage, the Mayor and three men who walked beside us.
Anytime Estelle asked a question, they'd hit the cage and tell her to shut up.
Soon we arrived at a ring of mushrooms that sat in a small opening of the trees.
Erina and Estelle looked at it confused, whilst I recognised what it was from the tales the bakers wife use to tell.
A Faerie Ring.
They pulled us out and made us kneel before the ring, my heart began racing as I looked at my sister's beside me.
Estelle glared through her binds at the Mayor.
Erina looked around panicked.
I forced my gag out of my mouth with my tongue, enough I could mumble and prayed they'd hear me.
"Don't eat or drink anything. Tell no li-" my words were cut off by the Mayor appearing behind me and retying my gag.
"Their fate is on them." He hissed at me as the Faerie Ring lit up with a golden glow that came from the earth itself.
In another flash, three men stood before us in well tailored suits of fine quality.
Two were blonde with long flowing hair, their outfits white and gold.
The man in the middle was raven haired and stern looking. He wore a suit of black and deep blues.
My lips trembled as they turned their heads to the Mayor, revealing the peaked ears.
My eyes dove to the ground before they could look at us.
The Mayor shook with fear, but bowed.
"We brought you offerings." He stated, gesturing down at us.
"Humans aren't usually an acceptable offering." One of them said, a voice of rustling leaves that made me shiver.
A hand was suddenly touching my chin and forcing my head up.
I snapped my eyes closed, trying to avoid the Faeries stare.
A puff of sweet air brushed my face as he scoffed a laugh.
"This one is smart." His touch warmed. A hand gently removed the gag.
His thumb ran across my bottom lip and my mouth opened without my control.
A sweet bead was pushed into it.
I regained some control and forced my mouth closed, only to bite down on a finger, stopping instantly
The bead exploded, coating my tongue with the a flavour so sweet and wonderful. My eyes opened.
The dark haired Faerie crouched in front of me, his long finger still between my teeth.
I released it as he drew it back, a smirk that sang to my blood and core in a way I never experienced before.
I found myself smiling at him apologetically. "I'm sorry."
His eyes were the most beautiful brown I had ever seen.
His skin was perfect and softly tanned, a cloak and shirt of deep blue and silver covered his strong frame.
He stroked my cheek, a brow slowly rising as he looked over my pale face, blue eyes and firey red hair. I was the youngest of my sisters, being just on eighteen.
I was slender but had womanly curves, not as much as Estelle who was tall, voluptuous and beautiful or Erina, who was just as tall as Estelle, her body just a bit smaller in sizing.
I was considered the lithe one of the daughters.
"What is your name?" The leaves rustled and my skin rose with excitement.
The raven hair curled perfectly around his face and I couldn't stop myself smiling, even when I looked down, knowing Faeries didn't appreciate staring.
"I am Elliana." I replied, my voice soft and weightless.
His smirk curled further as he reached a hand towards me.
My binds turned to golden dust and fell away, allowing me to take his hand.
He helped me stand, towering over me.
"Would you like to go home?" He kissed my knuckles, my cheeks hurt from smiling.
"May I say goodbye?" I asked, turning to my sister's.
They both had docile smiles, staring at a golden haired Faerie each.
They met my eye and something shook through me.
The haze of the Faerie magic dropping, like stepping out of rose scented fog that was comforting and happy.
I shivered from the cold and saw my sister each take a small red berry from the Faeries. The weight of reality hit me.
Faerie food was not safe for humans.
It made you pliable and willing.
I watched as their expressions softened further after eating the berries and my heart tore as I stepped towards them.
Estelle turned to me, giving me a sweet smile I didn't recognise from her.
She was the strongest of us. She was the eldest and was prideful.
Not a docile deer!
"Essie," I whispered as I stepped towards her. She grabbed my hand, pulling me into a tight hug.
"I'll miss you so much." She sighed in my ear, hugging me with more love than I'd ever felt. A tear broke from me as Erina joined the hug.
"You be good now, little sister." Erina kissed my hair and I breathed through a sob, wrapping my arms around Estelle and then Erina.
"I'll find you." I said into their shoulders as they squeezed me between them.
Both gave me eye rolls, like I was being silly as I stepped away.
I wanted to slap them. To scream at them. But they took the hands of the Fae men.
My heart thumped heavily as the dark haired Fae took my hand, pulling me away from them.
A strong hand wrapped around my waist, his skin touching mine on the exposed back of the dress.
He turned to Mayor Fiennes, a wicked smile on his lips. "Your offerings will be considered." A flash of light blinded me.
Wind and the smell of wildflowers rushed past me and I felt dizzy as I swayed, the Fae holding me close to his hard body.
I gasped as we hit water and I found we were standing in a marble round room filled with a warm pool.
The edges were lined with stone seats and lily pads with berries floated across the surface.
I felt the warmth of magic against my skin, an odd metallic taste filling my mouth.
"You are in the Seelie Court." His fingers stroked my skin, pushing my hair to the side and exposing my back.
I released a rattled breath as his lips caressed my skin.
"Why am I here?" My voice came out just as rattled.
A soft chuckle, filled with condescension.
"Your Mayor asked for the Seelie Courts protection. We asked for offerings worthy of our help." My body froze as his fingers slipped under the shoulder straps of my dress, pulling it down.
I tried to raise my hands to cover my exposed breasts but my body felt like lead.
My teeth clenched.
"Am I?" I hissed, staring at a crack in the marble pillar across the room, trying to distract my mind as the Fae's hands skillfully removed my dress, letting it sink to the bottom of the pool.
There was a door next to the pillar, the same colour as the rest of the marble I almost didn't see it.
Staying behind me, he pressed his lips to my exposed shoulder and guided me forward.
"Present yourself and I will see." His purr was laced with a command of magic and my body moved.
I walked through the water to the edge, raising my knees onto the seat to kneel.
I leaned forward, my arms spread out to hold the edge of the pool while my chest touched the cold dry stone.
My entire womanhood was now exposed to the Fae who watched me and whoever was opening the door would see my exposed front. Tears started to flow with embarassment and shame.
A silver haired Fae, just as beautiful as the dark haired stepped into the room.
His hair was longer and he wore a simple tunics and brown pants, faltering when he met my eye.
They were the most beautiful and bright crystal blue I had ever seen.
I dropped my head to the floor, feeling a force keep my body where it was.
"Darius," the voice of leaves greeted. An air of familiarity between them.
A pair of boots stepped in front of me and I bit my lip to hold in a sob.
"What are you doing, Viktor?" The voice that spoke was deep and reverberated though my bones, making me shiver. He sounded annoyed.
A sudden warm hand pressed against my exposed left cheek, squeezing it.
I whimpered and clenched my hands into fists.
"The Humans gave us offerings, in the form of women." Viktor said, the sound of a smile in his voice. The hand moved, sliding up my back and curving around to my throat.
He grabbed me gently but with enough force to pull me up and back against his chest.
"This is Elliana." His hand splayed across my stomach, pressing me against the solid bulge in his pants. "I might keep her for myself." The hand on my throat lowered as he palmed my breast
I met the crystal eyes, my tears falling despite the rest of my body's stone quality.
There was a look of sadness as he crouched down. "You didn't know, did you?"
I shook my head, my breathing rattling again.
He looked at Viktor then, his eyes hard and a sneer on his lips.
"Release her, Viktor." The noise was like boulders slamming together. Thunder clapping through a silent night.
The hands on my body released me instantly, the sound of Viktor walking backwards.
I let out a shaky breath, Darius opened his hands, a spark of light appearing before a white towel appeared in them.
"Come, mortal." He whispered.
I tried to move but my body was still frozen.
"Come, brother, let's play with her." Viktor's voice was laced with lust and I shook in fear.
I felt a rush of magic and I fell forward, my head hitting the stone hard. I yelped.
"She's lovely from this angle." My cheeks heated and I gave an audible sob.
The sound of splashing and Darius was gone, another rush of magic releasing me completely and I turned, pulling myself out of the pool to see the two Fae men fighting.
Darius had a hold of Viktor by the collar and threw a glowing punch to his face.
The dark haired Fae just smiled as his face was pummeled.
"You're no fun." He laughed at Darius.
After two more hits, Darius dropped him and turned to me.
I curled slightly, trying my best to cover myself.
Darius climbed out of the water effortlessly, another towel in his hands that he wrapped around my shoulder.
He turned to Viktor who was still smiling with a bloody nose and split lip. His eyes on me as I adjusted the towel to cover me.
"We'll play soon, little Elliana." He winked and my lip quivered.
"Fuck off." Darius waved a hand and Viktor disappeared in a flash of light.
I jumped, looking at the now empty pool and then around to see where he went.
Arms wrapped around and under me, I squeaked as Darius was picking me up, cradling me against his strong chest.
"You are an offering, no one should play with you until you are officially given." He clipped.
My voice was weak but I managed to ask. "What happens then?"
"We are free to play with you, even as our fucktoy."
I blinked up at him, not expecting such words. He walked through the doors and into a marble hall that started to look all the same though he walked expertly, staring down at me.
"An offering is something we appreciate. So, you will be treated as such by the servants and maids." He turned a corner and a golden door opened to a room of gold and rich reds.
A large four poster bed, a corner breakfast table by the window, a large ornate fireplace with a three piece lounge setting around a coffee table.
He placed me gently on the bed, a spark appearing next to me and a pale blue sleeping chemise was folded.
I bowed my head, changing quickly.
"When you are in the presence of the Seelie Court, you will be played with to our whim." He watched me carefully as I dressed, his eyes only leaving mine when the dress covered my body.
"What will be expected of me?" I didn't wipe the tear as it fell.
Sadness consumed his eyes, his head tilting slightly. "You're a virgin." He noted, realisation on his face.
I blushed, unable to answer him.
He considered something, reaching into the pocket of his pants, a flash of light appearing as he held his hand out to me.
He held a small silver box.
"Wear this." I took it, opening it to find a thin chain of diamonds.
"I..I can't take this." I shook my head. I knew Faerie gifts could be as dangerous as the food.
He ignored me, taking the chain from the box and slipping it around my neck, a flash of control magic making me stay still.
"If you are subjected to compulsion magic again, this will help you." He said once he'd clipped it, his hands brushing against my skin and igniting something inside of me.
"Why?" I whispered, not meeting his eye.
"As a Prince, I'd like to know it is not only my magic that seduces you to my bed." My head snapped up, his mouth was curled in a smile of want, his eyes blazing. "Since the others will surely use such a trick to simply get a taste." He stroked my bare arm.
I shivered and stepped away from him.
A sigh fell from him, brushing my skin with warmth and the smell of honey. Reaching down, his soft hands took mine and pulled me back to my feet.
"You will belong to me, Elliana." He said softly, my lip quivered and a silver band wrapped my wrist, an etching of flames and stars in the metal. "A gift for a gift." A flash of light blinded me and he disappeared.
I sunk to my knees and sobbed violently, screaming as I hugged myself.
My world crumbled around me.
My parents were dead.
My sister were somewhere in the realm of Faeries. Were they also playthings for some Faerie royal?
Would they be even given the chance to fight against it, like the one Prince Darius had given me.
I touched the necklace. A gift from a Faerie could be woven with magic of all kinds, but if it did what he said, it was blessing against the magic that enchanted the palace and people.
The bracelet wouldn't come off, no matter how hard I tried. Something about it shimmered every time I tried, as if Prince Darius was mocking me through it.
It too was magical, I was yet to know how, but something bloomed from it as the day went on and I settled my crying.
A spark of comforting warmth I didn't expect, like a hug of serenity.
It lulled me into a sleep, the bedding fluffy and luxurious like clouds.
I would fight against the magic, I would defy the Faeries. I didn't know how yet, but my chest settled as I made my decision.
I would save my sister's. We would get out of the Faerie realm.
We were people.
Not things to be played with.

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