Father of humanity: First Thinker edition part 3

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The beaches outside of Halo City are one of Adam's favorite spots, the calm and serene place does wonders for his shattered heart. He knows for a fact that it will be a while before any of his children and grandchildren will be here in heaven, but hey let them enjoy life to the fullest on earth before they join him here. The walk down the beach is one of the few pleasant activities he does outside of building his lab before he senses a presence at the edge of his perception.

"Ugh great, not this shit again. You would think they would learn to conceal their presence but no, for a seraphim it was very sloppy then again they had nothing to worry about in heaven."

The first man extended his perception beyond their normal range, causing the presence spying on him to quickly teleport away. Adam sighed at the intrusion before he continued his walk, determined to not let this unpleasant surprise sour his good mood. He thought about which one of his old creations he should bring back. The Omnimatrix was out of the question, he doesn't even know if he is in his multiverse plus it's more trouble than it's worth. The Galvanic mecha-morphs are something he could bring back, provided he has the resources to create another helix or a moon for the species to call home. A little planetary or Lunar engineering is not that hard. His only constraint right now is resources, once he gets his laboratory up to date he could mine resources from this universe since there is no alien life in it.

It was a shame, for a cosmos this vast to be so empty. Who knows life may develop on its own one day. The father of humanity was taken out of his thoughts when the communication rune on the back of his hand started glowing. It seems that Sera wishes to speak again, feeling a bit conflicted about telling her the truth Adam resolved to be honest. She's one of the few people he genuinely cares about in heaven, and if he can't afford to be honest with her that would be pretty bad.

"Sera, what can I do for you?" He asked, unsure what to say more.

"My apologies Adam, I hoped to ask how things went with Beltis. Her action is quite weird and a huge violation of your privacy."

At this Adam smiled, this call was out of true care and concern. Well, he has nothing to hide anyway so he might as well tell her the truth.

"It's the usual from those idiots so don't worry about it. She tried to bluff me with some fake concern but I shut it down and teleported her outside the lab. Speaking of teleportation, I think I have to cut this walk short. I have some new ideas I would like to record and expand upon back home. It's about time I start the real work, I have some amazing new inventions that I wish to create, and I do not doubt that they will impress you." He said, smiling in excitement and causing the high seraphim herself to smile in return.

"I will come by your office in a week to tell you the whole truth and bring Emily with you. The two of you stood by me in my difficult times, and you deserve to hear the entire truth."

"Just be careful Adam, You know how my fellow seraphim are. I will see you in a week." Sera said, and with that, the communication rune returned to its dormancy.

Adam teleported back to his home with a snap of his finger, removing his casual clothes and replacing them with more appropriate attire. It had a combination of black and green with a bit of silver at the collar, sleeves, and hems. The pants were of the same color combination.

"Finally some proper clothing, now to the main lab room."

Man moving from place to place with a snap of your fingers is handy. Once he lit up the place he started to work. His goal is to design a wrist-bound supercomputer with the necessary computational and processing power to handle and organize complex design blueprints and notes. The holographic display came to life, cracking his knuckle Adam started working. Hours upon hours of hard work yielded a satisfactory result for now,  while not the best he can come up with right now it is something he can make with the resources he has now.

"Hmm now let's see, I'm only capable of making a 50th-generation galvanic core. I will have to be content with a pseudo-polymorphic Primus B crystal processor. As for the motherboard, I will have to build a fabricator for it. None of the naturally occurring materials in heaven can handle what I need it to do." Adam thought to himself, it was refreshing, to be honest. being able to work without any interruption and at his own pace made it enjoyable.

Some might call him obsessed with his work but to each their own. After his time on earth, doing science for the sake of it while deriving joy and benefiting others out of his efforts is a good bonus. Adam finished the design and decided to take a break. A cup of tea and a tray of snacks in his living room while reading a book about the history of Heaven. This got him to wonder, why did his romantic life go down the shitter like this? What sort of offense did he commit against the seraphim to ruin any meaningful relationship he had before they even began? All these questions left a bitter taste in his mouth. Even after all these centuries the pain of heartbreak still lingers.

As much as he celebrated the return of his intellect and the broadening of his views of reality, he still yearned for the companionship that only a wife could give. Perhaps one day he would find love, but right now he should enjoy his life just the way he wanted. Maybe he should go to sleep, overworking yourself till you can barely stand is bound to cause you to make mistakes.

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