Reincarnated as a Seraphim: Morningstar Edition part 1

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Dying By Having your head slowly crushed is not a pleasant experience let me tell you that. I lived through that and boy it could not go any faster, but enough of that angsty shit for now. I was nothing more than a small blob of light as a soul, floating through darkness until  I somehow without a body felt something grab me. God, did I eat something bad because this acid trip could not get any weirder?  Now I am being manhandled by this Alien X reject-looking thing.

"It is a bit rude to talk about someone like that don't you think" the being spoke, amusement apparent in its tone. Great the guy can hear my thoughts as well.

"Yes I suppose I can hear your thought little man, now I have an offer for you if you are interested." Geez mister at least introduce yourself. 

The being snorted, my attitude did not offend him at the very least, that or I am not significant enough that my behaviour would warrant a more violent answer. He could crush me in his hand and be done with but I'm still here, ready to listen to whatever offer he has for me.

"Good, at least you'll listen to what I have for you. First, let me introduce myself to you. My name is Cosmo, I am what your people would refer to as R.O.B on the internet. I plucked your soul from oblivion because I am bored and in need of some good entertainment. If you remember the show Hazbin Hotel, Its multiverse is still fresh and is ripe with new opportunities for me to have fun. I won't interfere directly with them because observing them is more than enough, but I want to spice up things in one of its universes."

Okay, I don't think I have any way to dodge this monkey's paw type of deal so I might as well go with it and hope for the best. If I'm going to be isekaied into that place, I'll try to get as many advantages as I can.

"Done with the monologue little guy?" Oh great not this shit again. The being just laughed.

"I will get to the point, I'm going to turn you into Lucifer Morningstar." 

Oh, you have got to be fucking kidding me, do I have to be turned into that fucker of all characters. Seriously, I am already short you don't have to take more of my height. And you know the worst part, I will have to be in the same place as whatever Vivziepop interprets as sinners and her cartoonishly evil and corrupt version of humanity. I knew this is going to be ridiculous so throw me a fucking bone here damn it.

"Oh don't be such a bitch about it, you're not going to be in a canon-accurate version of the show. You will be fine you idiot, now listen closely to what I have to say. Outside of the regular seraphim package that I will give you, I'm going to add a little bonus.  You are going to have far greater power than canon Lucifer has and a couple more perks that will manifest when the time comes. Once I give you that, you are on your own. Any fuck up that comes down the line is on you."

I gave my confirmation to this being, and he nodded, sealing our deal. The being closed his hand on me as if to crush me, but I felt no pressure. I felt relaxed and tired for a moment before finding myself on my back.

At least I have a body now. I felt something poking me in the face, and I tried to stop it only for the damn thing to return with vengeance.

"Helel, stop poking your brother and leave him be. He's already waking up, and we don't need his first moments of existence like this." A stern female voice demanded, only for my assailant to chuckle for a bit.

"Fine, I'll stop. You will have to do your thing with the grand introduction, and he's looking right at you."

The tall lady offered me a hand, which I took. Wow, seeing Sera up close doesn't do her beauty justice. I think I like tall ladies now.

"Welcome Lucifer Morningstar, last of the Seraphim and last of the elders. I am Seraphiel, and we have much to discuss."

And cut, boy, I never thought my return to writing fanfics would start with a Hazbin Hotel snippet series, lol. I will tell you this about this series of snippets concerning this Lucifer Self-insert. It is merely a power fantasy and wish fulfilment. I'm just writing it for the sake of fun and to see what sort of adventure my imagination would take the SI on. He won't be this over-the-top wanked powerhouse, just strong enough that nobody would want to fuck with him. anyway, I'm already done for today but don't worry because I already have more planned for this series. once I finish this more snippets and plot bunnies will be coming so stay tuned and have a nice day.

Gargantua out.

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