!Rise! Leo & Mikey & Donnie pregnancy headcanons

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((there's just been an assortment of requests for the rest of the boys individually just bring father's to a a f!y/n, so I made a comprehensive Headcanon list for each of them))


- Essential oil mom (I cannot explain it)

- wants to do all those maternity photo shoots

- paints your belly ever trimester and takes a picture

- gets all those weird cravings down for you to a 'T'

- main decorator for the nursery

- lots of cuddling

- talks to the baby in your tummy

- really calm during mood swings, once you calm down he'll talk about the issue you were upset about.

- you'd have to worry with all the financial stuff because Mikey would have a problem impulse buying stuff for the baby.

- he faints when your water breaks.

- probably faints a lot during labor.

- cries when the baby is born.

- incoherent sobbing mixed with praise.


- affectionate, but not sentimental in the traditional ways.

- worried he won't be a good dad.

- immediately with the dad jokes, bro wastes no time.

- very defensive of you, during your pregnancy you can do no wrong.

- wants to decorate the nursery but it over the top and ridiculous about it.

- really wants the baby to be a boy.

- sometimes he goes into the nursery and sits by the cradle, talking to the idea of your guys's kid to ground himself.

- wants the nursery to be electric blue and racecar themed.

- avoids you once he senses a mood swing until you've calmed down.

- teases you about your cravings, but always delivers.

- freaks out when your water breaks.


- almost faints when you go into labor.

- cries with you when the baby is born.


- he's a bit controlling, but he means the best.

- secretly very sentimental.

- keeps the ultrasound, pictures of you during each trimester, ect.

- breaks down your cravings, tries to give you less gross alternatives.

- regular home checkups.

- more physically affectionate, touching your stomach, forehead kisses, ect.

- builds a better crib along with other impossibly futuristic play-toys for the child.

- let's you decorate the nursery, doesn't really care.

- drops one or two dad jokes to shock everyone.

- understands your mood swings logically, but they still kinda scare him.

- really really wants to pick the name.

- thousand yard stare when your water breaks.

- he's very calm during labor, eerily so.

- the dam breaks when he gets to hold the baby.

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