ch.13: kittypet escape

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Shiver and Silva Were looking out of the window of the twoleg place, Shiver walked around, Until she saw the twoleg leave, suddenly a Silver-gray tabby she-cat with white front paws front of face and tailtip with Dark blue eyes Ran past the twoleg, the she-cat was also wearing a blue bandana.

"Who is that?" Silva said "I don't know..." Shiver said as the cat hid, the twoleg went up stairs to search for the cat, the cat came from under the table "Who are you?" shiver asked, The cat jumped back in surprise "Kittypets..." she said... "My name is Gray, I'm just getting something..." said the she-cat "I'm a loner..." She added 

"what are you getting?" Heron Asked.. "this twoleg normally keeps something that lures birds, Some kind of Seeds... I was going to try to use them for hunting" Gray said "Sounds Birdbrained..." Silva said... 

Gray left, the twoleg left the entrence to the den open, Shiver and Silva escaped too, Heron also left but went in a different Direction. 

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