Kayı'yı ziyaret etmek

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{Visiting The Kayi}

Elenora glared at Ophelia as she watched the woman quickly run out of the room, and towards her fathers Chamber. "Afedersiniz Prens-" "Get out. GET OUT!" The solider looked up at Elenora for a second, with fearful eyes. Before quickly walking out the room. He could hear Elenora push the door shut as a loud 'bang' could be heard from behind him.

The Princess's nostrils flared as she came to the conclusion that she had, had enough. There was something going on, something which everyone knew about except her. But soon, she too would know. She would get to the borrom of this sooner or later.

But what was this secret? Why did it hold so much value that  even Ophelia kept it from her? Elenora knew there was something going on, and it most definitely had to do with her father.

"What are you hiding from me Ophelia?" She muttered to herself, walking around her room Elenora thought about Ophelias behaviour from previous days. Not much had changed about her until today, after Tekfur Thomas arrived. Ophelias seemed much more..tense? As if she had been wanting to say something to the Tekfur.

Elenora furrowed her brows before her eyes slightly widened, "Maybe Pedro finally proposed to her?!" A small smile started to grow on Elenoras face until she realise, "Yok, it can't be that. She's acting weird around me. It's something to do with me, she's acting weird around me..not Pedro." Elenora spoke to herself, a frown rested on her lips. She grew fustrated by the second, curiosity had taken over her and it killed her knowing that Ophelia, her best friend. The woman she practically saw as a sister! Hid secrets from her. It angered her.

Elenora sat near her vanity. Ophelias hadnt come back from Tekfurs Thomas's chamber, although it had been around half an hour since she left. However Elenora expected her to not return, esspecially after Elenora found out how Ophelia was hiding something from her. 

"Prenses Elenora'ya gelebilir miyim?" "Come in Eftelya." As the door opened a young smiling woman entered, she gave Elenora a small bow before turning to fully face her. "Prense, Tekfur Nikola calls you to dinner." Elenora turned around, giving Eftelya a small smile and nod before standing up from her vanity. "As you say Eftelya, thank you for letting me know." "Of course Prenses'im." Eftelya returned the small nod while Elenora briskly walked past her, heading towards the dining hall.

As the doors to the great hall opened, stepped inside the figure of Prenses Elenora. Scanning the room, she could see almost everyone had arrived before her. A smile grew on Tekfur Thomas's lips as he noticed his daughters arrival, he quickly gestured for Elenora to come take a seat next to him. "Ah Prenses Elenora! Hoş geldin gel, take a seat!" Nikola smiled at Elenora, raising his eyebrows at her, he too gestured for Elenora to take a seat.

Without audibly responding, Elenora gave Nikola a small nod before taking a seat on the chair, to her fathers left.

"Well, tommorow you two will enter the lions den, Tekfur Thomas." Nikola raised his eyebrows, staring at Tekfur Thomas then shifting his gaze to Elenora. Thomas chuckled, keeling his eyes on his he let out a laugh. "Yes, yes we will. But dont you worry Tekfur Nikola, we won't returne empty handed." Nikola nodded his head. "But be careful, the Kayis have decided to guard Komutam Flatyos well." Pedro suddenly started speaking, causing everyone to turn to look at him. "Theres some man..his name was like Goktu? Or Goktag-" "Goktug Alp." Nikola quickly interrupted, correcting Pedro.

Elenoras eyes widened at the mention of his name. She almost spit out her drink from her mouth but instead started coughing, horrendously. Leading to everyones attention going on her. "Kizim? Kizim?! Are you alright?!" Tekfur Thomas quickly stood up, walking to his daughters side. Elenora nodded her head unable to properly speak, her coughs echoed throughout the room.

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