Act IV

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Act IV

Elenion's Course of Action

Chapter 26: Family Affairs

In the quiet halls of Rivendell, the dawn of departure loomed heavy over the Last Homely House. Elenion had spent countless hours in the library, meticulously updating the maps that would guide the Fellowship on their perilous journey. His fingers traced the intricate lines, each detail etched with care and precision. The map was nearly complete, a testament to his dedication and skill.

As the sun began to rise, casting a golden glow over Rivendell, Elenion found himself summoned by Elladan and Elrohir. The twins, known for their wisdom and valor, had decided it was time to discuss the next steps for their companion.

"Elenion, join us," Elladan called out, his voice echoing softly in the vast hall. The three of them made their way to a secluded corner of the library, a place where they could speak freely without interruption.

Elladan and Elrohir exchanged a glance before Elladan began. "Elenion, the Fellowship is preparing to leave. The path ahead is fraught with danger, and the Darkness grows stronger with each passing day. We have discussed your situation and believe it would be best for you to remain here in Rivendell."

Elenion looked at them both, his brow furrowing. "I understand your concern, but I cannot simply sit here while the world around me falls into chaos. I need to do something, to help in any way I can."

Elrohir placed a hand on Elenion's shoulder. "We understand your desire to help, but the risks are great. The Darkness affects us all, and we fear it may have a profound effect on you as well. Arwen, our father, and the rest of the Elves are also deeply troubled by it. We do not wish for you to face further dangers."

Elenion nodded, taking in their words. "I agree that joining the Fellowship may not be the best course of action. My presence could potentially cause unforeseen complications. But I cannot remain idle either."

Elladan sighed, leaning back in his chair. "There is another option. We plan to join the Rangers of the North to aid in intelligence gathering, scouting, and coordinating efforts against Sauron's forces. It will be dangerous, but it is a way for you to contribute without putting the Fellowship at risk."

Elenion's eyes lit up with a mix of excitement and determination. "Yes, that could work. I could help with the maps, provide intelligence, and perhaps even learn more about this world. I am familiar with some parts of Middle-earth, but there is so much more to see and understand."

Elrohir nodded in agreement. "Your knowledge and skills would be invaluable. However, we need to be sure you understand the gravity of this decision. The journey will be perilous, and there will be times when you may wish you had stayed behind. But if you are determined, we will support you."

The debate continued for a while longer, the twins presenting valid arguments and concerns about the potential dangers Elenion would face. They spoke of the increasing darkness, the strength of Sauron's forces, and the uncertainty of their mission. Elenion listened carefully, weighing their words against his own resolve.

"I appreciate your concern," Elenion finally said, his voice steady. "But I cannot turn away from this. I need to be a part of this fight, to do what I can to help. I will follow you and the Rangers of the North. Together, we can make a difference."

Elladan and Elrohir exchanged a final glance before nodding in unison. "Very well," Elladan said. "We will prepare for the journey. Make sure you have everything you need, and meet us at the stables at first light. We leave at dawn of January 1st."

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