I will not marry

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In the vibrant streets of Lusaka, where laughter danced alongside the bustling crowds, you stood firm in your resolve: 'I refuse to marry.'

You had witnessed firsthand the trials and tribulations that befell your friends and family members who had exchanged vows. You saw marriages crumble under the weight of unfulfilled expectations and petty disagreements. You refused to become a statistic.

As you strolled through the city streets, your independence was an aura that radiated around you like a comforting blanket. You revelled in the freedom to pursue your passions without the constraints of a demanding spouse. You went out with friends whenever you pleased, laughed without restraint, and pursued your dreams without compromise.

However, in a society where marriage was more often the norm than the exception, your stance raised eyebrows. Some questioned your sanity, others pitied your loneliness. But you were unyielding. You had found happiness outside the confines of marriage, and you refused to sacrifice it for societal expectations.

One fateful day, as you sat in a crowded café sipping on a cappuccino, you overheard a conversation that would change everything. A young couple at the next table was engaged in a furious argument. The woman accused her partner of infidelity, while he vehemently denied it. You watched in horror as the conversation escalated into a full-blown shouting match.

As the couple stormed out of the café, leaving a trail of hurt and broken mugs in their wake, a thought crept into your mind. Perhaps marriage was not as glamorous as it seemed. Perhaps it was more about compromise, sacrifice, and daily doses of minor resentments that built up over time, until it all came crashing down.

You realized that you had romanticized the idea of marriage. You had imagined candlelit dinners, stolen kisses, and endless companionship. But at that moment, you saw the reality: it was messy, it was hard, and it wasn't always a bed of roses.

From that day forward, you embraced your newfound wisdom. You no longer felt the need to conform to societal norms. You continued your independent life, filled with laughter, friends, and the pursuit of your own happiness.

As the years passed, some of your friends gave up on their own convictions and succumbed to the pressures of marriage. But you remained steadfast. You had found a life that fulfilled you, without the need for a partner.

And so, in the vibrant city of Lusaka, you lived your life as you chose. You laughed, you loved, and you lived without regrets. Marriage may have been the path for others, but for you, it was a path less travelled. And in that path, you found a freedom and fulfilment that was all your own.

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