Ch13 - Blue

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Whisper's POV

As it turned out, the walk to the castle wasn't quite as far as you had expected it to be. You were grateful to not have to back track. The castle itself was larger than you had expected. Its white walls reached high into the sky, causing you to feel small and insignificant. It was just so grand!

Once you were brought inside, Salma did most of the talking. A lot of it was fairly quiet, though not really hushed - you could probabyl have listened in on it if you wanted, but you were distracted by the decor. Whites and golds were the primary colour scheme, and the marble flooring almost made you slip a few times. It definitely looked like a place royalty might live in.

There were a lot of hallways you ended up walking through together. This place was unbelievably large, enough so that you were sure people must have gotten lost here a lot. It even reached a point your escorts had to get an escort!

Everything here was very positive, too. Everybody seemed to be rather happy, and as much as you wanted to be glad about it, it made you feel sort of dizzy and overwhelmed. You weren't quite sure what that meant, but it was a little bit concerning to you. Was it because you were aligned with negativity instead of positivity?

At some point, the group was met with a new friendly face. The guards you came with spoke to them, briefly, then left, seemingly having been dismissed. You looked at the new person with curiosity as he then made his way towards you.

"Hi There! I Am The Magnificent Blue. You Must Be Whisper," he introduced. He primarily wore a lot of blues and blacks. The blue bandanna around his neck had the symbol of the sun kingdom, and the mark on his face was blue instead of yellow. "You Look A Little Unsteady And Pale. Is There Something I Could Get You? Water, Maybe?"

You hesitated. "Uhm, could I just sit a moment? I think I'm a little overwhelmed," you admitted.

"Of Course!" Blue hummed, helping guide you into one of the chairs. "Take As Much Time As You Need. Dream Is Very Patient."

"Oh, I... don't want to keep them waiting..." you trailed off.

"It'll Be Fine," he insisted with a gentle smile. "Dream Is A Good Friend Of Mine. They Can Be A Little Intimidating, But I Promise You That They Are Very Kind. If... You're In Some Sort Of Trouble, I Am Certain They Will Help."

You nodded at that, taking a few moments to just breathe. The words were a little comforting. "Thaankyou," was all you managed to say as you adjusted. It got easier to deal with the positivity here, it seemed, you just needed a little time to get used to it. Blue simply stayed seated beside you, keeping you company without judgement. You were thankful for that. 

"Are You... Feeling Any Better?" Blue asked after a little while.

"I think so," You nodded. "Uhm, thankyou for staying with me."

"Of Course! Lets Get Moving," he hummed, guiding you down a final hallway and into a very large space. This must have been the throne room, you realised. Just as you entered, there was a sound of buzzing, and Blue pulled out a phone. He grimaced at whatever he saw "I Have To Go, But I Will See You Again Soon! Good Luck!" 

He was gone before you even had a chance to say goodbye. A little unsettled, you continued your way into the throne room. It was a little awkward not having any guidance, so you just stood there, fidgeting with Ink's scarf. You didn't know the etiquette here.

"You may approach," a warm voice called out to you. You hesitated but did as you were told, stopping only when they made a gesture for you to stop.

The person that sat upon the throne could only be described as utterly gorgeous. Their brilliant gold orbs shone bright, piercing gaze warm yet judging. They wore clothing made of the finest white silks, intricate embroidery depicting sun-based symbology. Around their neck and wrists were thick bands of gold, and though they looked like a beautiful decoration, you couldn't help but notice that they almost resembled armour.

Their fingertips were stained gold, and you stared for a moment too long, realising how sharp they looked. Whilst Dream looked so delicate and beautiful, it was the smaller details that made you realise he was much more of a threat than he chose to appear. This apparently delicate look was calculated, strategic, and it frightened you.

They were the person from your dream. You recognised them the moment you saw those gold orbs, and though their demeanour was a little different - more guarded - you had no doubts they were the one who had called out in the dreamscape. But... did they recognise you? You hoped they didn't.

Dream seemed amused with your curiosity, smiling warmly as you took everything in. He hummed as your gaze turned towards the person beside him, golden orbs momentarily landing on your scarf as though he recognised it.

Beside them was another familiar face, and one that definitely surprised you. It was Ink. Although he wore a new outfit, the grin you were met with was just as mischievous as you remembered it being. He certainly looked more formal, like a mix between a noble and a soldier. More, well, godly, now that you thought about it. Did he always have that giant paintbrush, though? He never goes anywhere without Broomie–

Flashes of memory overtook your vision. 

You remembered paint being flung at you, hot and burning, sizzling against your bones as though it were acid. You remembered red target-shaped eyelights glaring at you, intense, filled with so much anger. There was a deep sinking feeling of dread, and you quite literally flinched at the memory of that awful paintbrush being rammed into your skull.

There was no pain, no marrow or dust to indicate what you were seeing was anything more than memories of a life that no longer existed, yet the terror did not leave, and you were immediately moving backwards, lilac orbs fuzzy.

"...kay? W...ts... ong? Are yo.... kay..?"

Were they talking? Their mouths were moving, but you couldn't hear anything beyond the choking of your own breath. The voices were muffled, as though they were underwater. When did Dream get so close? Why were they trying to touch you? You stumbled back, choking a gasp as though their hand brushing gently against your shoulder had physically burned you.

"S-stop! D... don't!" You managed to choke out, but you weren't even sure who you were talking to. Were you speaking to the people standing in front of you, trying to calm you, or the images that tormented your mind?

The warmth of an increasing positive aura made you feel unbearably hot, clashing against your own negative aura. You knew, distantly, that the intent of the other was to calm you, but the suffocatingly familiar nature of it only made the returning memories.

You didn't know who's memories these were, but you were scared. Hurting. You didn't want to die. And in that overwhelming panic, you did the only thing you could, called for the only person you trusted.

You cried out for Reaper.

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