Can we.... (First time.. 🔞)

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Payu and Rain where speaking to each other in the phone that's when Payu's father called

Payu: Baby my dad is calling... Wait a min i will call you back

Rain : Oohk

Payu disconnected the call and attended his dad's call

Payu's dad: Hello payu

Payu : Yes pa

Payu's dad: How are you doing... Hope your classes are going well.

Payu : Yes pa everything is going well..

Payu's dad: Ok.. I called you to  tell you about the business party tomorrow. It's a very important party so don't you dare bunk it..

Payu: Is Rain and Fah's parents also invited

Dad : Yes they are also invited

Payu: Ohh ok then I will come

Dad : Ok don't be late I will send you the details

Payu : Ok pa

Right after disconnecting the call Payu calls Rain
Payu: Baby are you coming to the party tomorrow?

Rain: Yah just now my mom called and told me to come, are you also coming?

Payu:Yes I will be also there. So... Tomorrow can i come and pick you up ... Let's go together na.... ☺

Rain: Okay then we will go together

Payu: And baby... Wear something cute, I wanna see my baby cute tomorrow...

Rain: Hmm.... Okay I will..

Next day both Payu and Rain were so excited to see each other fully dressed up. At evening payu quickly gets ready and leave to Rain's house when he reached there Rain was still getting ready, so he called Rain

Payu : Baby.. Your not ready yet

Rain: No I am still getting ready... You come inside don't wait outside

As they were friends ffrom childhood , it was casual for payu and rain to go to each others house

Payu then went inside Rain's house and ring the bell
Rain's mom opened the door

Rain's mom: Ohh Payu! Come inside...Are you here to pick rain.

Payu: Yah aunty where is he...?

Rain's mom : He is upstairs.. I don't know why he is taking this long to get ready today, Go and see by yourself what he is doing 😄

Payu went to Rain's room and knocked on the door
Rain: Just come inside!!

Payu entered and was surprised to see Rain looking so cute

Payu was not able to take his eyes from the angel standing in front of him

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Payu was not able to take his eyes from the angel standing in front of him

Rain: So how do i look...

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