Tord's Diary, page 8 of 20

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Dear Diary,

I reproduce below a copy of the letter I just sent to Edd and others.

I realize that it has been two years since my rise to power as State Leader, but I doubted a lot before I decided to write it,
I was afraid.

Here is what I wrote to them:

"Dear Edd, Tom and Matt:

I know that what I did two years ago confused you, and probably irritated you.
Perhaps I should have expected this reaction from you, but perhaps I hoped that as my friends you would understand me.

Little matter, I am making my own choices, and I understand that it is still not clear to you.
For all you know, you cannot see the larger plan.
Maybe you don't get it.
I do not blame you.

It is normal that I look like the bad guy, half the world thinks so.

But I don't regret it, I don't regret anything.
And you will see.
You will see what I am capable of doing.

If having the world against me will be the price of changing it, so be it.

Now that I have been the military Leader of this state for two years, I have taken the power that was mine to take.

They did not understand, just like you.
But now that I am in power, you will finally see that things will be better.
With or without your approval.

It's true, I had to take it by force, I even had to kill to do it, you know.
I know you saw the news on Tv.

But the system that was there was corrupt.
I will be better.
I will be a better Leader.
The Leader that the world needs.

I know you will see me as the bad guy now, but I promise you,
especially to you Edd,
I promise you will change your mind.

I know what I am doing.

And if I had to use force and make a coup, I assure you it is only for the good of this corrupt and putrid world.

I want only the best.
For me, for you, for the world.

Maybe you should have expected that Edd.

I know it's probably useless at this point, but please, I beg you, at least you don't turn against me.
I don't need more enemies.

I already have the world against me, there are attacks every day.
They try to invade us because they are afraid.
They know I am powerful now.

The other states are expecting a military expansion attack from me, but I don't need to do it.

I will convince them of my idea by show them, and I will convince you too.

I will show them with facts that this is the right way.

Don't be like everyone else, Edd.
I am not your enemy.
I don't want you to be afraid of me, you know that's not what I want.
You know me well, you know that's not who I am.

I have completed the Core, Edd.
And I know I told you I would use it for our project, but I have bigger priorities now.

You will see that I will use it to change the world for the better, and at that point, you will realize that I was right.

On March 9, I will leave and come to London.
There is something I left behind that I need to take back.

Don't try to stop me, or I will have to stop you by force, and I don't want to do that.

I don't feel like meeting with you right now, I know what you think of me at the moment and I don't want to argue unnecessarily, as I have already told you, you still don't understand, but you will soon think again and understand that I have no bad intentions.
I promise.

That is why I will come while you are fishing, as you do every Wednesday.

I ask you again please, if we see each other, don't stop me.

I am only asking for a chance to prove to you that I really can change the world for the better.

As proof that I still care deeply about you and our friendship, I will leave you a surprise.
It took me years, but I finally did it.

I hope it can help change your mind about the prejudices you are having against me.

Your old friend,

And that's that.

I've already packed my bags, I'm leaving on my own.

It will sound cowardly, but I don't care.
I just have to go, assemble the Core and come back, no need to face them.

They don't understand, they can't get there.
Now they don't trust, and I can't blame them, I acted like a villain.

But one day they will see what I can do for this world.

And in the better world I will build for us, we will be together and happy again,

like we used to be.

It has to be that way.

March, 2016

//// the letter never reached its destination.

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