Ch. 2 - Hope Color Green

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London, 3 hours before Event X

The city was silent, the sky was dark gray, it could be midnight or noon, it was impossible to deduce the time.
The landscape was surreal, the streets empty and cold, not a bit of wind was blowing, no noise, no hint of life. It looked like an apocalyptic landscape, except for two figures moving cautiously through the streets.
One tall figure with a black coat masking much of his body, moved nimbly between the squares, seeming to know the place well by the way he moved. The other figure was more hesitant, looking around often as if checking to make sure he was not being chased.
The streets were barely illuminated by streetlights with cold, almost green light. The traffic lights were working, yet there was not a single car around.

"I remember this place being different..."

Said the second boy in a worried tone.

"You'll get used to it, trust me. For now just follow everything I do, we're being watched."

The boy in the coat had flattened himself against the wall and with a gesture of his arm had forced the other to do the same. With a gesture of his eyes he pointed out to him a motion sensor camera placed on the top of a wall. The red light shone eerily in that chilling view. The camera pointed toward the two boys, moving the zoom slightly. The boy in purple held his breath. 

After seconds that seemed interminable, the camera moved again, then suddenly turned off.
The two prefered to change paths, sneaking into the shadows of that ghost town.
After a few minutes, the two boys disappeared inside an apparently abandoned building, closing the door immediately behind them.
The boy in the coat closed more locks, only after sealing every entrance and window, did he relax and take off his coat. He had on a hoodie of what must once have been a brighter green, but was now a dirty, graying green from poor garment care and dust. The other boy, on the other hand, looked more composed. He had a purple sweatshirt and a green jacket kept up quite well, the only sinister detail being a strange device on his face that replaced his chin and a cybernetic eye. Despite this, his appearance remained sweet, as if those robotic parts were there by accident, as if they didn't suit him.

"We don't have a lot of time"

Edd said, hurrying to the only table in the room, opening a poorly reduced drawer and pulling out papers abruptly, banging them on the woody surface.
Matt looked around curiously.
The two boys were in a room that resembled a living room of a nice house, except that it was all covered with dust and looked like a hurricane had passed through. The floor was full of empty bottles and open cans of canned food. A mouse the size of a cat passed between Matt's legs, making him jump in fright.

"Holy Cow Edd!!! Do you really live here? This place sucks!"

The boy in green didn't even seem to hear him.

"Hey! Do you hear me? If I have to stay here for the rest of my days at least we have to get the rats out!"

"Ringo will take care of that."

"Ringo?... Aaaaah! Ringo! I didn't think you still had it."

Edd turned around giving the boy a stern look.

"Of course she's with me. I would never leave her. Not for anything in the world."

He turned back to the table continuing to rummage through the drawer looking for something.

"Besides, we don't have to stay here forever, it's a temporary solution."

Lifting his arm, Edd pointed to a map hanging on the wall.

"This house is the only one between two unmonitored streets, the cameras are broken, he can't observe us here. We are safe."

Matt looked at the map, but he didn't seem very interested; rather, he looked around for the cat, unwrapping the various bottles.

"Well in the end this place isn't bad for being a wanted man for crimes against the state..."

although the boy's tone was innocent, Edd at that sentence turned and glared at him.

"I am not a criminal. I'm the only one who still has a brain in this country, and maybe world."

Matt looked at him flustered.

"Hey! look I never wanted to get into this either, it's not my fault I was kidnapped."

Edd moved his gaze to the ground. A dark gray, rather dirty and skinny cat had approached him and was rubbing faintly on his legs, Edd picked her up gently and held her in his arms, stroking her lovingly.

"I know, but it was lucky they got you, your being part of his plans will be able to help me a lot with my research, I know something big is going to happen.... He's planning something and you're going to help me figure out what, so I need you to focus and tell me every detail of everything you heard and saw in there. Even the smallest details, any little thing could be crucial"

Matt crossed his arms and made an offended expression.

"So that's why you came to my rescue and dragged me into this dump."

Edd rolled her eyes and barely turned to look at him.

"It's obvious that I came for you because you are my friend and I care, but we are talking about saving the world from Tord's dick plans. We don't know what he has in mind but it has to be stopped, and right now. It's not just about Coke Matt, not anymore..."

Edd approached the window and moved the curtain slightly, looking at the deserted street outside.

"... Something is going on..."

The cybernetic-faced boy had approached the table and was now looking at the papers that Edd had arranged on top in a haphazard manner. There were a lot of notes, photos, papers, and stacks of newspapers; it looked like a manic person's desk.

"What is all this stuff...?"

"It's all I've been able to get so far on the subject, maybe it's not much but it's critical if we're going to save Tom and the others"

"The others? We have other friends??"

"I mean ALL the others, Matt! Haven't you noticed that this town is empty? Don't you wonder where everyone has gone??! They have them, I'm sure of it. It's been months since anyone's been around. First that weird mask commercial, then overnight.... PUFF. Everyone gone, and if we want to get them back to safety, we have to act fast. As I told you, something is going to happen, Tord must be stopped, before this madness comes true''

Edd sighed, patting Ringo's head

"...As much as he has changed over time, I can say that I know that Norseman thoroughly, we grew up together. He may have completely lost his mind but he is not a bad person, he never was. He's a weirdo, i know.... But we were best friends, and this Tord cannot forget. He cared as much as I did, and I'm convinced he's not acting alone, he's out of his mind but he would never hurt us..."

Matt was about to say something, but his friend's appearance seemed destroyed, he had two deep dark circles, a dazed and surrendered air, he didn't want to make the situation worse with his expedients, and chose not to intervene. He forced a smile and looked away.
Edd turned to Matt, who winced as he looked at him. The green boy's eyes were glazed over.

"I want to stop this madness and save that asshole of a friend."

Matt put a hand on the boy's shoulder and smiled weakly at him.

"Todd is my friend too, so let's try this."


"Whatever! You got it!!"

Matt walked away throwing himself on an old sofa.

"Make me a cup of tea and ask me anything you need!"

Edd smiled and wiped the sides of his eyes, maybe there was a slight hope of getting everything back to the way it used to be, and he wanted to cling to it with all his might.

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