Tord's Diary, page 1 of 20

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LET IT BE CLEAR: Tom and Matt have NO RIGHT to read this diary.

Permission is given to Edd but only under my supervision!!!
At most I will read it to you. Skipping parts.

so Tom and Matt, hands off!!!

Who am I kidding, I know you will read it one way or another. I hate you (just kidding, Matt don't cry pls :P)

Dear Diary,

My God I can't believe I'm actually doing this.

I know, diaries are stupid. And I feel like an idiot talking to pieces of paper, but my friends insisted on making me start this shit (especially Matt) against my will.

Edd is convinced that I need to learn to value my emotions more. (The journal is his idea), he called it ''pen therapy.''

What a stupid thing to do. I don't need to work on my emotions. I'm fine.

It was nice of him to worry about it, though (dare to throw it back in my face and I'll kill you Edd, I know you're reading).

They say it's a good way to focus on the present and collect your memories. They say then it will be fun to read it together when I come back from Norway.
What nonsense.
I have an enviable memory, there was no need for a journal.

Yet here I am, writing one to make my friends happy.

But nothing for free. >:)

Since I will be forced to waste my precious time with this thing, upon my return I demand at the very least to:

- Give Matt a black dye, and he must keep it for a whole day!

- Try Tom's bass guitar (you never let me, asshole).

- For Edd...damn I have no idea yet, you are too lax on me.

I will choose once I get back (I know you will read these lines Edd, know that you are not safe either >:))

Does this count as a front page? I'm afraid not.

For en pine i ræva.

Know dear diary that I will not write much, in fact, I will write little and rarely.
Only the really meaningful things, I don't want to waste time.

Soooooo let's begin.

Well right now I am on the plane.
In fact I'm writing because I'm bored.

Actually today is a really important day for me! It's off to Norway baby! B)

Starting tomorrow my military academy!

I'm a little nervous to be honest, but I think it's just because it's a new experience.

Oh yeah, funny thing, I almost killed Tom (BY MISTAKE, I SWEAR >:P) in leaving, his fault for provoking me. As soon as I get back I swear I will hide all the alcohol I find from you.

In any case, I've been wanting to leave for a long time, being in the military has always been a goal. And not only to use weapons legally but also because the high-tech military sector is the most renewed in the country!

And I am sure that my inventions can revolutionize the world.
I have a lot of projects that I have prepared for the entrance exam and I have no doubt that I will pass them brilliantly.

...Okay, I admit it, I am REALLY excited about it!!!

It's going to be great! I'm going to meet a lot of important inventors and I'm going to turn them around! They will see how smart I am and give me their place and money MUAHHAHA.

Okay come on just kidding. I am a loyal person, I will admire them and then I will LEGALLY take their place by beating them in everything B)

I admit I am a bit narcissistic. But when you have a head like mine, it's a shame not to use it to improve the world!

The only thing I regret will be not seeing my friends for a long time.

(stfu Edd, you win, I was lying when I said I won't miss you one bit).

The truth is that I will really miss you guys....

But little matter! You will get my letters every month, so I will keep you updated! (I hope Matt gave me the right address, if not I'll shave it off when I get back) (kidding Matt, relax, just the tint >:P)

Well I would say that as a first page is enough. I have to get down to designing the new little robot for A.I beta, I attach a draft of the design.

We will be great in the exam!!! I have already built the prototype for the legs, I can't wait to finish it!!!

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

We will be great in the exam!!! I have already built the prototype for the legs, I can't wait to finish it!!!

Tomorrow is going to be a beautiful day! I am looking forward to it.

I will remember you when I am Chief of Inventors ;)

Oh yes! I forgot to tell you Edd, but I already talked to an insider in the field and he said my designs are spectacular! He will have me working for him right away! I can't wait <3

It's a dream come true Edd, he is that guy I was telling you about who is studying the relationship between time and physics! I can ask him for advice on your clock!
I know it's a surprise but by the time you read this anyway, I will have finished it and given it to you!

Hell yes Edd, the time travel clock, I haven't given up yet dear ;)

Well what can I say.

It's not so bad as a first page.

See you soon, I guess.

- Tord the magnificent B)

Sep 28, 2008

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