part 15...a sister, a test, and falling?

Start from the beginning

I could see that the wolf was weak and had began to shift back to it’s human from, but before I could see who it was, I was hit on the back of the head and blacked out.


I woke up out of breath and scared.

What if they did try to take Bell again?

We need to start the test and change her quick, I can’t stand to think that they might capture her.

I looked down at her sleeping figure and couldn’t help but wonder why? Why in the would do they want to hurt this innocent girl?

Even with her hair slightly tussled from sleep I saw nothing but a beautiful girl sleeping next to me.

She was beyond perfect and had a heart the was pure gold even though she had it hidden a locked up for so long.

I know getting her to fall for me will be harder then I would have been if she had a different life in the beginning and parents that actually cared.

But even through all that I love her more because of her strength.

As I kept looking down at her I saw that a slight frown had formed on her face, I wonder if she is dreaming the same dream I was. I’m not sure why but we share dreams sometimes and they always seem to come true.

Just by looking at this girl I can tell that she’ll be strong as a wolf. But its up to the test to see if she is even able to shift.

Either way I will always love her, I will never stop loving her.

She is my world now, I can’t imagine my life with her now.

I want to live my life with her, I want to marry her and have kids with her.

God I can’t be thing about this stuff yet. I highly doubt she’s ready to get married and I don’t think she loves me yet.

I think she’s trying to keep me at a distance and I hope I can show her that I love her soon cause I really want to marry her already!

All of a sudden I felt Bell moving like she was being attacked.

“Bell, wake up! Your ok, its just a dream wake up!”

::Bell’s POV::

I was in the room again scared at what might happen to me. I starting to panic. I could feel that it was getting harder and harder to breath. I had a headache to and my hearing was at its max.

I could hear people walking around and talking.

They were talking about attacking someone, or more a large group as they were plotting on trapping them in a small clearing that was near them.

Then I heard a light pair of foot steeps walking towards the door.

The door opened and there stood a girl. She looked familiar but I couldn’t thing where from.

She was younger than me and had light blue eyes, like mine. Her hair was a beautiful brown like my mothers hair. She was tall to.

Wait…she looked like me?

It can’t be.


She smirked at me.

“It’s nice to see that my big sis didn’t forget about me.”

Unable to think of something to sat I just stared at her with the same shocked looked that has been on my face since I found out my little sister was standing right in front of me.

I will never stop loving you.....(Complete)Where stories live. Discover now