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wow i feel like im writing this pretty fast. i still dont know how long this story will be or what happens next i usually plan last minute lol but i also plan in my head what i want to write next in my head over about a day or two and then i added whatever makes it sound and feel right in this story.

so plz comment? vote?

tell me what u think or what i think will make this story better and ill see what i can do! thanks ;)


~*~Bell's POV~*~

I cant believe it! Did he really just ask me what i think he just asked me? NO no no no. I must of heard him wrong. Did i? Why would he want to be friends with me? im the loner of this school. The sad little emo chick. Why me? Why would he pick me of all people? I've seen the way all the other girls look at him, yet he chose to talk with me? "Um, sure u can add me...My e-mail is," I said and he smiled a smile that made my heart do a little dance. Stupid heart how dare you betray me...

"Great! Thanks." he said. I just nodded. So he spoke again. "Um, so i'll chat with you tonight then, bye" he said kind of nervously.

Then what he did shocked me. He came up to me and gave me a hug. It felt so good for him to hug me that i gave a little hug back. My heart jumped im my chest and i had to stop myself before i let out a happy sigh.

It felt to soon when he let me go, even though we were probably hugging for almost a minute. He look down at me with a huge smile on his face and a hint of pink in his cheeks. Aww was he blushing?! He is so cute! NO, wait u cant think like that! Now it was my turn to blush. Thank God he can't see!

 "Okay, bye." i finally said after what felt like forever of him waiting for a response. And with that i turned and walked away.

I tried my hardest. I really did but all the way home i couldn't keep that stupid smile off my face.

When I got home i saw that my Dad still wasn't at home. Which made me smile even more.

When I Walked in to that house the first thing I did was run to my room and check my facebook. Yep. There it was a friend request from Alex. My heart again jumped at the site of his picture and the sound of his name in my mind. Dang it! How could I have started to like him already! I haven't even known him a whole day yet! I sighed and look out my window It was hot in my room so I had already changed and had my window cracked. But staring out the window felt like dejvu.

Then I remember that dream I had which felt so real. I couldn't believe that even in my own dream I didn't run from that wolf. But something about it made me trust it. And when I looked into it's eyes I felt a connection with it.

I looked back at my computer and accepted him. I'm not one for stalking but i wanted to get to know him a little better. Even though me and him were from different worlds I could see that we had a lot in common. We liked alot of the same music, books, and movies. As i was looking thourgh his page I felt the sudden need to look out the window.

It was there. The wolf from my dream. Or was I dreaming now? He was bigger then i remembered, but then again dreams never do reality any justice. But how could this NOT be a dream?! He's WAY to big to be real. But i kept staring at him. And just like in my dream I ran. I ran to him to make sure he was really real. And he was.

And just like my dream I looked into his eyes. His Black eyes seem to say it again. You can trust me. And I felt as if I could. I petted him like I did in the dream and got the same reaction I did in the dream.

I pulled back and the wolf look at my face like he was searching for something. Then from what I could tell his big black eyes stopped at the bruise on my eye and look at the cut on my lips. When he looked back into my eyes i saw sadness like he wanted to know what happened and that he was sorry it ever happened. I started to think I was going crazy but the wolf pushed his nose into my side like he was telling me to hurry up. Should I tell this giant wolf what my father did ti me? should i tell him about everything in my past? Can I trust this wolf? Why not though? Who is he going to tell? 

I sighed and began with the beginning.

"My Dad did it." I heard him growl. "Shhh, it's ok I know I hate him to. It started after my mom left when I was five. She took off with my little sister and i have seen her in over ten years. At first he would only push me into the walls and leave me there crying. But after awhile the pushes turned into hits and then when i turned 15 and he came home drunk...h-he...he raped me." I didn't realise when i started to cry till the wolf wiped them with his head. I gave a little smile in thanks. " After that happened I started to cut." I looked down at my arms. The scars will always be there to remind me. I heard him whimper like he felt my pain. He then licked my arms. I laughed at that it was like he wanted to wash the pain away.

"It's ok i'm over doing that to myself. At first it was just to take that pain away but then it became part of my routine. Everytime he wouls come home and do that to me I wouldnt even cry. I wouldn't show him my pain. After though I would come to my room still no tears coming down. I'd grab the blade in my desk and cut. Then I would cry." I stopped. I needed to finish my story. Even though i was saying all of the to a wolf, it felt good to talk. " I stopped cutting after awhile because sometimes even that wouldnt help. Then yesturday I had made the choise not to show him any emotion. And when he tried to get me to go to bed with him again I pulled away from him and he just go mad. And thats how I got this buise and cut on my lip."

I looked back into his eyes and saw anger. Not at me but towards the house like the wolf was ready to run in there and kill my father for doing this to me.

"He's not here." And I saw him relax.

~*~Alex's POV~*~

Ahh. I can't believe her Father would do such a thing! He is nothing but a piece of s***! If i every meet him he's dead! But how do i protect bell? she cant stay here I need to think of a way to get her out of here.


sorry to leave u hanging! i hope u enjoyed it!

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