Chapter 28

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Third POV

As per Kunikida said, he really told the president that (Y/n) requested to have a day off and now, it's Christmastime. To which (Y/n) now find herself alone in the place where she had last seen Ranpo.

"Oh? What a surprise, the bloody beauty graced me with her presence~"

(Y/n) heard the familiar voice of the person she had once interacted making her growl. "What do you want, you rat?" She harshly stated, the person was Fyodor but not the same one in the past.

He was supposed to touch her shoulder but she kicked his hand away and leaped back.

"Ho?~ I am just simply observing you and came to tell you that... The so called gang of, Takemichi was it? They are fighting the current black dragons.~" Fyodor informed her, she just hummed and faced back.

"I don't really care of that fight. It does not interest me." She respond, (Y/n) was no longer using her carefree tone. "You know, there's more than what meets the eyes. Your ability was unique (Y/n), I was saddened when you suddenly left the group." Fyodor stood beside her, she want to rip him apart from bringing out her past but she can't because Fyodor know the true extent of her ability and she wanted to know it.

"After all... What you truly are will someday float up from that bunch of lies you let out."

"I don't think of it when it is still far."

"AHAHAHAH You and your logic (Y/n). See you again..." He bowed to her.

(Y/n) looked at her hands seeing it holding a weapon with blood. "Bloody beauty"

She sighed and tucked it in her pants. "Could this day get any worst." She scowled as she opened her eyes.

"(Y/N)-SAN!" Someone called him.

"Talk about bad luck..."

She seemed like she had two personalities but her mask were only hiding her true self. (Y/n) also doesn't know the extent of her ability to the point she rarely use it, she only know it as desire of a person but she doesn't know it was much more powerful than that, and that is what she was aiming to find out towards Fyodor.

A/n: see what I did there? Fufu~ Sorry about not updating again, I didn't expect to be dumped with all of projects and deadlines are the same days.

The Detective In Tokyo [BSD reader X Tokyo Revenger]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt