Chapter 10

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"(Y/n). Are you really okay now?" Fukuzawa asked in worry, (Y/n) was like a daughter to him and he can't afford losing her.

"Yep! All's well Fukuzawa-san!" (Y/n) exclaimed in her usual energetic personality. "What happened though for you to cause a head injury?" Kunikida questioned which made (Y/n) realized that Fukuzawa and her are not the only one in the infirmary.

"Hmm... I was simply helping someone, she almost got rape-" She stopped in her mid sentence when everyone had this dark aura which made her sweat drop. "Don't worry though! I managed to save her!" (Y/n) decided not to mention the whole scene.

"What is his name?" Dazai said darkly but (Y/n) only looked at the side avoiding to answer. "If you answer the question, I'll give you a praise and a box of snacks (Y/n)." Fukuzawa stated as he knows that (Y/n) will take the bait.

"It was Osanai from the Moebius, he was the leader of the gang!" Exclaimed (Y/n) with a bright smile. But boy... (Y/n) doesn't know that by saying it will lead to something unpredictable.


"Man! I almost didn't got out of that situation!" (Y/n) pouted while walking together with Dazai towards the destination that (Y/n) made him track.

"Soo~ Who exactly is this person you made me track (Y/n)-chan? And why not use your ultra-deduction instead?" Dazai said making (Y/n) pout more. "You all didn't let me escape the explanation of what happened!" She exclaimed waving her hands to the air which made Dazai think that she looked so cute.

"We can't help it... You are my- our senpai after all..." Dazai shrugged, but then he saw a lamp post. "(Y/n)! Look a perfect-"



"Dazai I'd be damned if I walked back solo!" (Y/n) throwed a tantrum. "Well~ you won't be damned ifffffff, we do a double suicide~" Dazai reasoned before (Y/n) could respond, they were interrupted by biker gangs, which unfortunately is the one that (Y/n) encountered.

They stopped and circled them. "Hmm. I still haven't forgotten about you and what you did girl, I wonder how you will taste. Since you made our target escape you'll pay for what you did." Osanai smirked making Dazai glare at him with growl.

"Get them!"

The Detective In Tokyo [BSD reader X Tokyo Revenger]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu