Chapter 9

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Warning: attempted rape

(Y/n) was put in a choke hold, and since she was smol, her feet didn't managed to touch the ground and was dangling.

"You bitch really have a gut to do this huh?"
Osanai grinned as (Y/n) tryna get out of his grip. "You may take them down but not me!" He chuckled.

"Let her go! Please! I'm the one that you want right?! Don't get her involved!" The girl beg as she gripped at Osanai's feet, but Osanai only kicked her. "Too bad, she is already involved. Boys! Hold them!" He command, to his henchmen that was still in pain yet, they obeyed, once (Y/n) can't move anymore Osanai took this as an opportunity to unhook (Y/n)'s pants while the girl looked at her with tears.

"Get... Off... That... Filthy... Hand of yours!" (Y/n) exclaimed as she headbutted Osanai using the back of her head.

(A/n: (Y/n) took it as an opportunity when Osanai unhook her pants since Osanai had to lower his head.)

This caused him to let go but, it was also a bold move since her feet was dangling, she feel backwards and hit her head on the cement making her groan.

But (Y/n) still fought for the pain and stood up. Too prideful to admit defeat even though that the girl she helped keeps saying for her to stop, she didn't. Though, a sound of a siren of the police was heard and it made them pause.


"Let's get out of here!" Osanai ordered as they stumbled while running. (Y/n) closed back her eyes and fetched her phone, turning off the sound making the siren sound stop and also hook back her pants.

"Come on." (Y/n) still smiled despite the headache she's having. "Let's get you out of here Haruki-chan!" Offering her hand, Haruki accepted it making (Y/n) pull her up to her feet.

"How do you know my name?" The girl known as Haruki asked. "I just know it! I'm the worlds greatest detective afterall!" (Y/n) exclaimed, it seems that (Y/n)'s cheerfulness makes Haruki feel safe around her.

"Ah..." (Y/n) looked at the beaten up man. "I already called the police, yet, I can't have you being naked in front of them while explaining what happened. So here..." Unbuttoning her shirt making Haruki panic but it turns out (Y/n) had another shirt underneath it yet was like a thin clothing of white long sleeves.

"This won't do much but it'll be a good cover for your naked body I suppose and..." (Y/n) picked up her cape that she give to Haruki that she accidentally dropped. "This will cover here." She tied it on the girl's waist.

"Ano..." Haruki looked down. "Thank you for saving me..."

"(Y/n). Call me (Y/n)" (Y/n) smiled and walk away while waving. As she left, it was also the time that the police arrived and passed by her as she walk getting further and further.

-time skip-

"I'M BACK!" (Y/n) announced as she slammed the door open, it turns out that Dazai arrived before her in the agency while she took some things in her lost journey.

"Welcome ba-" Kunikida stopped what his doing as he saw (Y/n)'s outfit.

"(Y/n)! What are you wearing?!"

(Y/n) winced, she still haven't gotten the injury of her head inspected. "Let me expla-" (Y/n) swayed and fell unconscious, but before she hit the floor fukuzawa managed to catch her who just arrived.


A/n: yare yare, so for those who doesn't know, the first siren sound is not a police but only (Y/n)'s phone audio, she used it for her tactic.

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