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He hugged her excitedly which was unexpected for her. But she hugged him back with a smile or I say blush.


Next day, they went to Maldives in day flight and booked the most expensive hotel of that place.

Teju exclaimed with wonder seeing the hotel, 'Wowww it's so huge and amazing.'

Karan said winking , 'Only for you wifey.'. She smiled and he held her hand and entered in the hotel.

'Hey karan, you are here!' a girl voice exclaimed with wonder.

'Hey mili, after long time.' karan said and both did handshakes.

Mili said looking at teju, 'Who is she?'

Karan said, 'she is my wife and teju (to teju) she is my college friend.'

Teju said, 'Oh hi'

Mili said, 'hi, nice to meet you teju. But you bastard (slapping karan's back), you didn't invite me even.'

Karan apologised to her.

Karan said, 'Sorry yaar, I forgot your contact number'

Mili said rolling her eyes, 'Whatever, are you on honeymoon?'

Karan said, 'You can say.'

They were talking like talkatives while teju was getting bored and angry because none of them was not even looking at her.

Mili bid them a bye and left.

Karan said, 'Leggo teju.'

Teju said, 'congratulations, you have remembered.'

Karan asked, 'What?'

Teju didn't reply and snatched the key of their room from him. Then went to the room. While karan was making 'What did I do?' face.

Then karan looked at Mili in the reception and thought with smirk

'Ohhho is teju jealous? Let's play a game.'


Karan entered in the bedroom and lied on bed with one move.

Karan said with smile, 'Today is very beautiful na, teju? We are in foreign country together for the first time. And see I met my College friend after many years'

Teju said sarcastically, 'Yeah yeah.'

Karan started praising Mili while teju was listening and burning. After sometimes,

Teju shouted, 'Then go to her.'

Karan said, 'what happened wifey? Are you jealous.'

Teju said, 'Never'

Karan said, 'Okay I am going to Mili. After all we met after years.'

Teju said angrily, 'Then don’t back to this room.'

Karan went near her and whispered in her ears.

'You are jealous.... Um but why? Are you in love with me?'

Teju remained silent then said sadly ,' don’t know'

Karan kept his hand on her shout and said, 'Don't worry. She is just my friend plus she is senior friend of me and she is engaged. (In a teasing voice) I was just seeing your cute angry face.'

Teju looked at groun feeling embarrassed and he hugged her with a chuckle.

To be continued

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