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Teju asked, 'So?'

Karan said, 'Um I know it will be wrong but I should repair your relation with mom too. Advocate Raihan is the most powerful Lawyers who won almost every cases of her life. Mom said to call him only. See although truth always wins but it this decade, now most of the cases got false by money. Innocents are getting punishment and rich criminals are leading their life freely. Um so I have plan for something if you agree.'

Teju asked, 'What?'

Karan said, 'I called Advocate raihan here for saying that. He should get punishment but not much. (Holding teju's hands) please you know if he gets big punishment then mom will never talk to you. And if dad called raihan then he freed rayansh at any cost. And the case got withdrawn too. Mom dad won't think about those girls. If they had any daughter then they understood. But now mom is misunderstands you. We will give rayansh punishment but not that much he deserves. I will tell raihan to do something for which he will get punishment but less then what he deserves. Please teju.'

Teju asked, 'Then how can you say you always stand for truth?'

Karan said, 'I know I am doing wrong. But you know I got to know that no lawyer is taking the case when they got to know rayansh is more powerful and Advocate will handles the case. So it’s better if Rayansh get less punishment. But if you don’t want then okay. Please give him the last chance for me. I know I am wrong but unfortunately  I am his brother. Please agree.'

Teju thought for sometimes then said, 'he won't get his punishment? Is our country like this? But something is better then nothing. But if he continue later then i.......'

Karan said cutting her, 'Not you, I will really forget everything and kill him in my hands. But now let's go to police station.'

Teju asked, 'Why?'


Karan and teju was sitting in front of Rayansh. The scene was so silent

Karan siad breaking the silence, 'Rayansh what you did is very embarrassed. But still you didn’t surrender and said mom a fake story. Now just think you can get lifetime jail.'

Rayansh immediately held Karan's lag and started apologising but this time from his heart,

'Please bhai please do something. Please give me last chance.Even  I will not look to any girl. Please forgive me. I will apologise to all the girls with whom I manipulated. Please do something. Bhabi please forgive.'

Karan said, 'With two conditions .'


'You have to do whatever  you said and also tell the truth to mom.'

'Okay I agree.'


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