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'You have to do whatever you said and also tell the truth to mom.'

'Okay I agree.' Rayansh said.


Rayansh's case got into court and somehow he got out of jail but as a punishment he can't produce or direct any movie.

(I don't know how but imagine because everything can happen in the nation named imagination)

Raya, rayansh, anish, Karan and teju I mean the whole family went for the hearing.

Raya was so happy to get back his son to herself. But teju was not much happy as he didn't get his worth punishment.

Reaching home, Karan said,

'Now say the truth Rayansh.'

He nodded and said looking down, 'Mom dad, I am sorry. I lied to you about bhabi and the news. The news reported by bhabi is truth and I also harassed bha.....'

He was cut off by a tight slap of Raya.

Raya said with shame and anger, 'Is this what we taught you? How can you? I feel ashamed to call you my son. I didn’t talk to her these days because I trusted you blindly. Even after being caught, you made a story.'

Rayansh said with shame, 'I swear I will never do such things to anyone.'

Teju said as she thought this time he is speaking the truth, 'Mom it’s okay. As he saying so we should give him the last chance and Rayansh, don't even think that we will do this all the times.'

He nodded.


Teju was looking at the overview  from the window. Karan enter in the room with 2 cups of coffee  and found her staring outside.

He went near her and said slowly, 'I know you are not actually happy with my decision but....'

Teju cut off him and said, 'No it’s  not like that. Um I didn’t like the decision first but I think you did right too. He has already lost his reputation and I think he won't do such thing later. It will be better more than punishment if he become good'

He nodded with a smile and gave her a coffee. She thanked  him and took it.

He said while Taking  a sip of the coffee, 'um mrs. Kundra, I will go to maldives tomorrow.'

She thought it's any office tour so she replied sadly, 'Okay,'

He said, 'I booked two tickets.'

She asked confusingly, 'Why?'

He replied winking, 'Because we didn’t go to anywhere after getting married... So would you like to go with me?'

She said strenly, 'No'

He looked at her sadly and nodded.

She  said with a huge smile, 'I would love to go.'

He hugged her excitedly which was unexpected for her. But she hugged him back with a smile or I say blush.


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