Truth Seekers

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Third person view

In a dimly lit room, several monitors captured images of the I.M.P. gang from their adventures in the human world. One monitor shows Blitzø and Moxxie outside Martha's house, Moxxie then pushing Blitzø's gun causing him to shoot in the wrong direction. The second shows Millie  coming out of the ocean after killing the large fish monster, the third shows Millie and Moxxie French-kissing while swinging on a rope, and the fourth shows a group of horses, which then zooms in past them onto Blitzø, who was caught choking on the boba pearls of his drink. Someone then points at the screen with Blitzø.

"Right there! That was the first sighting" a male voice said.

"They are defintely from Hell. They must use this dark magic to cross into our world... and they seem to be killing specifically targeted people... but why?" another agent said as the two revealed themselves to be a man and woman wearing black suits and sunglasses. They both had caucasian skin and the woman had blonde hair while the man had grey.

"They always attack at random, aaaall over the country. There's no way to predict where they'll show up next!" the male agent said.

Suddenly they heard a loud clatter followed by a cat yowling angrily. Going over to the window, the male agent parted the blinds to see Blitz standing on a dumpster with the lid open.

"Oh well that's convenient" the female agent said as the two smiled.


"Shhh. Remember we can't be seen" Blitzø said closing the lid which also resulted in him falling into some trash. Millie covered her mouth to stifle the laughter while DJ full on laughed.

"Pardon my words sir, but you're currently being the loudest" Moxxie said as Blitzø hopped out now covered in trash.

"I said shush your, dick, sucking, lips, Moxxie" he said using a finger to poke at Moxxie's face which had a used condom hanging off it. Moxxie jumped back in disgust as the portal opened up in the dead end alleyway wall, Loona standing in the office with the book while Millie entered.

However as Moxxie began walking to the portal, a figure showed up behind him and fired a net gun at the small imp who was tackled out of the way by the larger one.

"Watch out!!" He yelled as the two looked at the figure to see it was the male agent holding a net gun.

Blitzø then turned and seen the female agent repelling down the building landing just in front of the portal.

"Loona! Close it!" He yelled as Loona reluctantly closed it.

"Wait no!" Millie yelled trying to get through but failed.

Moxxie quickly pulled out a pistol and dodged a shot from a net while Blitzø dodged a dart fired from the female agent by hiding behind some trash bins.

Meanwhile DJ dodged net after net fired from the male agent as Moxxie took aim at him. However he was then hit in the back by a dart.

He mumbled something before falling over.

"Moxxie!!" DJ and Blitzø yelled before the hellhound grabbed the downed Imp as Blitzø jumped on his shoulders.

DJ then took off running with the two humans behind him.

"I smell... colours" a dazed Moxxie said sniffing the air as they soon came to a dead end alleyway. DJ handed Moxxie up to Blitzø before he jumped up and dug his claws into the wall and began climbing up.

"They're getting away!" The female agent said shooting the hound with another dart as his back was full of darts and while they seemed to be slowing him down, he wasn't stopping.

Helluva Boss Demon wolfWhere stories live. Discover now