Chapter 13: Davin

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As soon as we were in the crowded Banqueting Hall, he inclined his bald head towards me and whispered in my ear.

"It's not that bad, Princess. I'm telling Skarp that the Prince is dying because that's what he wants to hear. It's true, he's gravely ill but there's still hope. Skarp threatened my son. He said if the Prince recovered, Bennil would 'meet with a very unfortunate accident'. Then he locked the infirmary and took the key away from me so I can't get to any of my medicines. But I couldn't watch Skarp poison Kriston without doing anything. I made up the antidote at home. They search me before I go into Kriston's room to make sure I'm not secretly carrying any medicine so I've been putting a few drops in here."

He showed me the big ruby ring on his finger. There was a catch on the side and it opened like a locket to reveal a small depression inside, just deep enough to hold a tiny amount of antidote. "I've been slipping him a drop every day. Not enough that he recovers but enough for the poison not to kill him."

"Th . . . thank you, Hosta," I stammered, tears in my eyes. We were out of the Banqueting Hall now and turning into the corridor that led to Kriston's tower. All of sudden, I stopped dead in my tracks. There was a body lying on the floor in front of us, blocking our way. I looked closer and saw. . . Oh God! It was Davin!

The doctor and I rushed to his side and knelt down. He'd been badly beaten. His left eyebrow gashed open, the eye black and bruised, his lip was split, his nose broken and bloody. His blonde hair was wet with blood and his right leg was stretched out at an awkward angle. The doctor felt his wrist.

"His pulse is weak but he's still alive."

"You have to help him," I grabbed Hosta's sleeve. "Take me to Kris' tower and give the guard the dispensation, then come back here and take care . . ."

"Princess!" he shook his head. "Without my medicines I can do nothing for him. I never learnt to heal with my hands." He stared at me meaningfully.

Oh God! I was desperate to get to my brother and try and heal him. I didn't know if I had the strength to do two healings. I remembered how exhausted I'd felt after the rabbit. But I couldn't turn my back on Davin. He was someone's brother too. I knew how Petros would feel if he lost him. I had to try.

"Not here," I thought quickly. "We're close to the stables. Can you carry him?" Hosta slid his arms under Davin's body and hoisted him up easily. Together we hurried down the corridor and out through the west door towards the stables. Inside, Petros was grooming a black stallion. He gasped when he saw us and dropped the brush, his young face frozen in horror.

"Don't worry, Petros!" I tried to keep my voice steady. "I can heal him." I wasn't sure I could. The injured boy was so much bigger than a rabbit but Petros was staring at us with wild, terrified eyes and I needed to reassure him. Hosta crouched and lay Davin down on the straw in one of the empty bays.

"Stand guard and make sure no one comes in," I ordered Petros. He gave an anguished sob and positioned himself in the doorway. I stared at the broken body before me, fists clenched, heart racing. The stable floor was earth, impossible to draw a circle. I gulped. This couldn't be done.

"Sorry, my Lord, There's a mare in foal. You can't come in just now." I heard the crack in Petros voice as he sent the nobleman away. Gerda's words came back to me, Take off your doubts and fears. Hang them up. You don't need them anymore. I mimed taking off a cloak and hanging it on an invisible peg and knelt down at Davin's head.

Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath. I heard Gerda's Moonrun song in my mind and let the melody carry the tension out of my body. I looked inside and saw the fire, burning in my heart, The flame grew brighter and brighter. When it was white hot, I spoke the prayer of healing.

"Sweet Goddess, if it please you, do keep this child of yours on the earth with us." I felt the heat radiate out from my heart, spreading down my arms into my palms. Soon my palms were scorching hot. I reached out and touched them to Davin's temples. In a rushing torrent, the fire flooded out through my hands and into his body. I opened my eyes and watched his body throbbing with the energy pouring into it, glowing white with its heat. The gash over his eye slowly closed over, the skin knit together, the swelling in his face gradually reduced, the dark bruises faded.

I could hear Hosta's gravelly voice chanting prayers of healing in the ancient language. The power flowing through my body was tremendous. It had a life of its own. It took all my strength just to keep holding my hands to his head but I held on till I felt Davin's head turn in my hands. Then I toppled over and lay in the straw beside him, wheezing and gasping out the prayer of gratitude.

Davin half-opened his eyes and turned his face towards me.

"Annie!" he whispered. "Skarp beat me. He saw me going to Kris' room with Milo. I'd gone to the basement and got him. I thought if I distracted the guards, he could sneak in so Kris wouldn't have to be alone. But Skarp was on his way to the Throne Room for the Appealing and he saw us. He went mad and started shouting, 'I'll kill that dog!' I told Milo to run away and he did. Then he shouted, 'You'll pay for your disobedience, boy!' He pushed me down and started kicking me. He was kicking me everywhere; it hurt so much! I don't remember what happened after that." I rolled over onto my front and pushed myself up to a kneeling position. Stars flashed before my eyes, the stable seemed to be rotating around me.

"It's okay now, Dav. You're okay. Petros, take him to Abigail. She'll look after him. I have to get to Kriston." Hosta supported Davin as he staggered to his feet and draped his arm around Petros's shoulders. Together the two brothers hobbled off to the servants' quarters. Bracing myself against the wooden wall, I stumbled towards the stable door.

"Princess," Hosta grabbed me by the arm. He pressed something into my hand. I opened my fingers. In my palm was his rose-coloured crystal, the crystal he wore around his neck as a symbol of the medical profession.

"I've prayed over this crystal every night since Skarp threatened me. I've prayed that Kriston won't die, that somehow he'll be healed."

I opened my mouth to thank him but my voice caught in my throat. I felt sick, my head was spinning. Hosta gripped me by the arm. "Come on, Princess," he said and guided me back towards Kriston's tower.

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