Chapter 6: Doctor Hosta

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"Don't tell anyone else Poppy, promise me."

She nodded and dried her tears. "And don't worry, it'll be OK. I promise you it will." I couldn't think how it would be OK but I had to trust.

Shoulders trembling, sniffing into her handkerchief, Poppy left the room. I scoffed down some bread and cheese, feeding the crumbs to my dove-friend on the balcony, and swallowed some apple juice. I had to get back to the Dancing Hall fast. I was already late.

When I entered the Hall there was something different. Just inside the door stood another of the Skaliff guards, wearing armour and carrying a sword. This one had long red hair. Lady Bellina was holding a bamboo cane, about as long as her arm. She looked very uneasy. Yet again, she wouldn't meet my eye. I was instantly wary. My breathing quickened.

"Princess Annifer," her voice trembled, her eyes fixed on my elbow. "Lord Skarp enquired after your progress at lunchtime. When I told him you were having difficulty mastering the Crosstainian Wedding Dance, he instructed me to . . . er . . . to use the cane on you when you make a mistake. He . . . said you would learn more quickly. Apparently this is the method they use in Skaliff with the royal children and it's most effective. The guard is here to . . . ensure I'm doing it properly."

Her eyes dropped to the floor. Lady Bellina was strict but not cruel. I knew she would hate hitting me but I also knew I couldn't protest. Skarp had punished Davin by hurting Petros. He'd punish me by hurting Kriston. I clenched my jaw.

"We'll start at the beginning. You remember: Into the circle then step, step, hop, turn, jump, jump, clap, clap, clap. " She nodded encouragingly, her eyes willing me to get it right but my head was in a scramble from all the events of the day. I'd never been good at telling left from right and soon I was turning the wrong way or hopping on the wrong foot, sometimes even facing completely the wrong direction. Lady Bellina shot furtive glances at the guard and tried to ignore my errors but when it was clear I didn't know what I was doing, she shouted "Stop!" took a deep breath, aimed the cane at my legs and closed her eyes.

Thwack! It came down on my calf. She'd hit me as lightly as she could but the sharp stinging pain tore through my body. Lady Bellina swallowed, her face contorted as if she was the one in pain. I could see her hands were shaking.

"Once again, Princess," she said, gently. "We'll take it more slowly this time."I tried to concentrate but the dance was so complicated and unpredictable, by the end of the lesson, my legs were red and throbbing from the cane.

I limped up the staircase back to my room. There was a little time before I had to dress for dinner so I poured a bowlful of cold water and soaked my burning feet in it. My whole body ached from dancing all day. I closed my eyes and fell into a doze. A while later I was awakened by raindrops falling on my head. It took me a second to realise that they weren't raindrops at all. Poppy was brushing my hair and her silent tears were falling on my head. I didn't know which was worse: the tears or the silence. They were both so unlike Poppy. Sasha was weaving in and out of her legs, rubbing her head against them and purring loudly. I knew what would cheer her up. Without opening my eyes I began.

"Many years ago, when unicorns grazed in the Great Forest . . ." Poppy loved the old tales. She let out a little chuckle, sniffed twice and the rain stopped.

When she had finished, my hair was braided with pink ribbons and a diamond tiara sat on my brow. "Why don't you pick a dress for me to wear tonight, Poppy?" I knew exactly which one she'd pick - the long pink silk gown with the lacy cuffs, puffy sleeves and bows on the front. It was my least favourite. The cuffs dug into my wrists and the bodice was so tight I could barely breathe but Poppy loved it and I needed to make her happy.

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