chapter 2

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"How long do you think that women gonna survive here. I bet a month. "
"Don't know. "
"Or maybe less than a month?"
"Who do you think is gonna explode first. I think it's definitely hyden. He was cursing that bitch for long yesterday. I don’t think he will take it for too long, right?"
"I don’t...."
" 'Know'... huh, seriously, zella. It's no fun talking to you." He sulk and  looks at her.
"I really don't know."
" That's not the point... God, for all that IQ of yours, your EQ is basically 'Zero'." he chucked while rolling his eyes. " You're lucky you have me. Otherwise, your life would be soooo boring." And the he drag her towards the hall of meeting.


After the no so long meeting about student discipline and rules and regulations.. BS, they are finally given mercy by the dean. As a part of student its mandatory for them to attend it. When some teachers can't or more likely 'don’t dare to' to discipline some students, they make the student union members responsible for it. Because it's their responsibility to bring order to their school as the teacher say.

You see.. here in this campus teachers doesn't matter. Here, the students are the ones who rule. It's also because of it, even though this is the best school in the country,  not a lot of students or teachers apply here or get in.

Teacher.. because even though they are the teachers, they can't afford to offend any of the students. Students also due to the same reason. Here's the strong rules and weak are basically dead.
So, surviving here is difficult. Only pure strength that is either brain or physical strength is the surviving technique.

That's not the only reason not a lot of students get into the school. It's also because it's nearly impossible to get into. here, the students are mostly a part of the big organization similar to mafia or bratva but completely hidden from public like them. Most of them are hiers to large empires that basically rule the whole country. The students who's been send here are trained to take over their family or train to become a part of it.

In here, mainly there are three types of students.

First one, off course The hiers. Who are sent here to be trained to take over their position.

Second,are the students who comes from nothing and want to become something or more like to be a part of this world. In here they can find their place and find an hiers to follow or do something big by themselves.

And finally, the third but most common, the students who are a part of this world but was basically thrown here by their parents due to various reasons and are mostly abandoned by them. They are basically the black sheep of the family or not loved by their family or just plainly rebellious and thrown here make them 'good children' because here most of the students graduated are successful, leading an envious life.

If only they know the truth....

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