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You sat there as Mafia gave you an unwavering smile.

Could you really trust him with..anything? I mean you hardly know this one.

"They're concerned about Evil and Latenight! Nothing much right now." Original turned Mafias gaze to him. I fought urges to hit Original on the head for his stupid outburst—he must've seem my expression as his smile went down just a little; not that his basically patched on smile could really falter.

"Oh? I see. Well I guess to me that isn't too bad, at least you aren't talking about me!" Mafia laughed to himself and pat both of our heads.

He walked away and I just glared at Original. "Now why would you tell him." I watched him slowly start to regret his choice of word, "Sorry , sorry Neighbor! I didn't understand that I couldn't trust him." Regardless of the tension between us, Original kept eye contact with a genuine concern.

"Look, it's alright but I just need you to not tell anyone else alright?" Original nodded his head as his smile lifted. I sighed as I turned over to the TV, making quick eye contact with Internet Explorer, making me jump .

"Holyyyy sh-"

"Woah Y/N! Don't say that. You'll bring Priest over." He giggled a little as he watched my puzzled and startled reaction, "I didn't hear much so there's nothing to worry about!"

Feeling a bit better in the presence of Internet Explorer, I started a conversation in hopes of forgetting the situation.


I blabbered about random interests with Internet Explorer and left him to do his own thing as I entered the kitchen to make me a snack.

"Hello Viewer!" I felt the strong presence of a person behind me as I finished my sandwich. Turning around I faced Watcher as he stood over me with a tall smile, behind him was Mafia who had not said a word. "I was wondering if you wanted to make a few snacks with me for the others? Greyscale and Actor have been complaining about being hungry like crazy! And me and Mafia offered to make something."

I agreed and told them we could make cinnamon apple slices since Original loved them and well—all the Wally's loved apples. Mafia didn't seem as interested though, "Why not make an actual meal? Maybe we could make hotdogs! It reminds me of Barnaby."

"Well..Apples are well liked by Wally's, and Barnaby isn't here."

Mafia glared at me with a bit of frustration, walking up to me, away from Watcher "It would be a shame if everyone knew what you and Original spoke about right? Would you want them to worry?" He gave me a malicious smile as I just shook my head, "Okay..Hotdogs it is."

Watcher , confused just shrugged and started on the food.


SORRY MY UPDATES ARE SLOW, chapters will come out faster once school is over !! (in exactly 1 week and 1 day :D)

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