Chapter 8: Just A Book

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Talia was at the front door when they reached home. the dosage of medication she took earlier was successful in easing her anxiety-induced angina for the moment, Jareth's hair was falling onto his forehead, they were long and heavy with rainwater...hence obstructing his vision. 

"Oh thank god.." Talia broke into a cry. Her eyes were filling up with tears, she rushed toward them. "I'm glad you are back.." her eyes traced the pathway of Mina's glance and landed on her  bandaged leg. "what happened..?" 

"We need to take her to the hospital."  Jareth tried to explain but he was cut off

"No Mom, It's not such a big of a deal it will be ok."

Talia's lips thinned into a line, holding back the anger and helplessness. 

"Thank you," she said in the kindest most humble voice directed to Jareth who was standing there awkwardly waiting to leave.

"N-no, it is m-"

"I didn't know Ayla would know where to send you," Talia interjected.

A confusion painted Jareth's expression but no one was considering it.

Talia took Mina inside, who was now feeling the toll of fear, injuries, and tiredness of running in only slippers through uneven pathways and forest. Jareth and Kei were left alone on the porch. Even though everything was still covered in the gloom of dark clouds, the rain had slowed down. 

"Thank you" Kei uttered with absolute gratitude in her melodic voice.

"It is my pleasure" he bowed a little placing his hand on his chest, and she smiled in response. 

"Oh, and this" he held out the book he took from Mina. The moment she took the book from his hand everything stopped for him for a second as his eyes fell on the title and name of the author. A shadow crossed his face that Kei didn't notice because of the rain-soaked locks covering his eyes.

"Oh my God Jareth your hand" she squeaked. Jareth was aware of the cut on his hand because of the stinging pain. He suddenly looked at his hand with a jerk, the cut inside his palm was getting bigger than before. "It will be fine" he stated within a breath.

"I can help you with it-"

"No" his tone was strict and fearful when he interrupted her.

"umm, fine then." she understood then a smile replaced her exhausted expression. "some accidents are beautiful." she held out the book to show him something. his eyes widened at what he was shown. his bloodied handprint was going perfectly well with the red and white cover of the book. The hard cover of book was fully soaked now.

"I guess" he smiled hesitantly "I gotta go" and he left... he ran. like there was something more urgent awaiting him.

 "Your whole arm is covered in scratches what have you been doing out there." kei heard the voice of her mother after entering the house and locking the door behind her. She took off her muddied shoes right there.

"ouch, Mom just slow down" Mina was wincing with each dab of alcohol swab over her injured arm. her leg wound was neatly bandaged now. One look at her sister's arm was enough for Kei to understand they weren't the injuries she got from the forest. Kei who had previously made up her mind to go straight to her room stopped and turned toward them. Mina noticed that and ducked her head lower with shame.

Those were without a single doubt cuts from a blade or knife. "Mina..we need to talk." Anger had taken place in Kei's eyes. "We sure do," Mina replied in a low muffled voice. Still looking down. Talia who was putting a band-aid over the small cuts on Mina's arm gave Kei a look that said "This is enough".

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