Chapter 16

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Xaden dismisses Blizzard. "Be here in the morning," he said. With a smile of apprehension, Blizzard looked towards me. And he left the room.

This room belonged to Xaden. The room, a reflection of his enigmatic persona, was shrouded in shadows yet imbued with an undeniable aura of power and intrigue. The walls, adorned with intricate tapestries depicting scenes of ancient battles and mythical creatures, contrasted sharply with the dark, muted tones of the chamber. A massive, mahogany desk stood proudly in one corner, its surface littered with parchment and quills, a testament to Xaden's meticulous attention to detail and penchant for strategy.

In the center of the room, a large, ornately carved bed dominated the space, its velvet draperies drawn closed to shield its occupant from prying eyes. Beside it, a plush couch beckoned invitingly, its cushions soft and welcoming, a place for contemplation or conversation. The flickering flames of the hearth cast dancing shadows across the polished stone floor, their warm glow adding to the room's ambiance.

Despite the opulence of his surroundings, there was an air of austerity about Xaden's room, a reminder of the weight of responsibility that rested upon his shoulders as the heir to the fae throne.

"I know I am here for a reason. I understand this very well. Now please tell me. I really need to go back to my world," I asserted, fixing my gaze upon Xaden's piercing green eyes as he sat calmly on the plush couch. Despite the urgency of my plea, there was a sense of resignation in my voice. I knew deep down that returning to my kingdom might be an impossibility. My fate seemed sealed, my choices limited.

"Princess-" Xaden began, his voice soft and reassuring, but I cut him off before he could continue.

"And yes, you need to tell me everything in detail. Start from the first day. And also, how do you know I am a princess?" My tone was firm, demanding answers, yet beneath the surface, there lingered a hint of vulnerability, a fear of the unknown that gnawed at my resolve.

"I will tell you everything in detail. Please don't worry and trust me," Xaden responded, his words laced with sincerity as he reached out to reassure me.

"I can sense danger. Something feels not right here," I confessed, my voice trembling slightly with apprehension.

"I am here. Please don't worry, Zayra," Xaden replied, his tone soothing, yet I couldn't shake the lingering doubts that clouded my mind. Despite his attempts to comfort me, I couldn't forget the circumstances of my arrival here, the sense of betrayal that still lingered in my heart.

I couldn't shake the feeling of betrayal that gnawed at me. Xaden had taken advantage of my vulnerability, capturing me when I was defenseless and alone. Though I hadn't left Emberglow without a sword, it was lost in the chaos of our encounter, swallowed by the unforgiving pit that threatened to consume me. In that moment, survival had eclipsed all else, leaving me to fend for myself against the dangers that lurked in the shadows.

"I apologize for the delay," he began, his tone earnest. "I'm not one for theatrics, but there's much you need to understand. Here, in my kingdom, there's a deep-seated resentment toward the human world. They see humans as agents of chaos, wielding power without regard for consequence."

Moving closer, he took my hands in his, his touch gentle yet firm. "But together, we can change that. To bridge the divide between our worlds and forge a new path forward."

I struggled to comprehend the magnitude of his words. "How?" I managed to ask, my voice tinged with uncertainty. And I suddenly felt a knot form in my stomach. "You're not asking for marriage, are you?" I blurted out, the notion sending a chill down my spine.

Xaden's gaze softened, and he shook his head gently. "No, Zayra. I'm not proposing marriage," he reassured me, his voice steady. "I'm proposing something much simpler. I'm asking you to be my friend. And I promise, I won't overstep any boundaries. I won't touch you."

The sincerity in his words struck a chord within me, and for a moment, I found myself considering his offer. Could friendship truly bridge the chasm between our worlds? Could it withstand the weight of our destinies?

But as I glanced into his eyes, I saw a glimmer of hope, a flicker of possibility. And in that moment, I knew that despite the uncertainties, I couldn't turn away from the chance to forge an unlikely alliance.

But as the realization dawned on me, a new hunger stirred within, one I had never known before. The hunger for POWER.




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