5. boom.

9 3 1

"we're almost out of fuel. We've only crossedpalakkad, sir. How long would It take for us to reach guruvayur now?".

The driver had overcome his fear and glared at the conductor who blinked at him in confusion.

It was the same driver who was scared a few hours agoon driving the bus a little more faster than four KMS per hour.


The driver mumbled in pure rage as he glared daggers under his seat.

The conductor was confused.

"what happened?".

He asked and the driver again turned his furious eyes to him.

"do you know why the man had told not to increase the speed of the bus? Because he had kept a bomb in the bus, that would blast in the accumulating heat from the Acceleration , or rather, our slow pace.

We'd die any moment now.

The guy had the Audacity to keep the time bomb under our or my seat.

Now, anyhow we're about to die.

Listen carefully and you will here the slow, jentle, ticking that is increasing by the minute.

The passengers, we must save them as soon as possible.

What did these innocent lives do to deserve such a painful death?

Nothing, apsalutely nothing".

The driver went on with his mumblings as the conductor's eyes widend in shock.

Kali on the other hand was looking coldly at madhurakshi who had fallen asleep after almost fainting.

The bus was siolent, if not for the hushed whisperings of the driver and the conductor and some snorings.

Everybody were sleeping peacefully as the bus moved at a slow pace.

As soon as he herd the driver was going to save the passengers, he grew even more furious.

He looked at kama and crodha who had hugged each other to sleep.

He scouled at them and sent a strong punch flying to the two of his beloved assistants.

They awoke instantly as they looked sheepishly at their bos.

"sorry, bos.". they whispered, glancing at a sleeping madhav and madhavi.

"can't you raise your voice?". He asked, himself in a low whisper, as the two of his companions, shook their heads in negative.

"how did those two puny mortals find out that ahankara had inserted a time bomb? ".

He asked kama who looked confused.

"time bomb, bos? Where? Why? Why did ahankara—".

He was cut of by a single glare of kali who hissed like a snake.

"he had made them realise,". Kali declared, glaring at an innocently Pretending to sleep madhav, who's lips twitched in a smile.

Madhurakshi's dog barked loudly, waking all of the passengers in the bus.

Everybody glared at madhurakshi who had woken up and was looking everywhere for trouble.

The dog looked at her and barked again, and Murmuring began in the bus.

"of, who in their right sences would bring a dog into a bus?".

An old lady asked her husband who glared at the poor madhurakshi.

"she's blind, it seams. How would she know if it is a dog she's holding?".

A woman in her early 30s asked and madhu herd it.

Instant fury took over her and she herself was surprised.

Fury and her were not that good companions.

Whenever she got furious, distruction was surely on the way.

Once, she got furious and held a pillor, that had a Flower vase kept atop it.

She punched the pillor in fury due to jivu's antics and the vase fell, braking into shatters.

That was jivu's favorite vase.

"I am capable enough to feal, and walk, and here, and smell. And about him, how would he know if he's in the bus or anywhere else? I am only blind. Shut up and mind your business.".

She shouted, and everybody looked surprised at her tone.

Even kali looked sharply to her direction.

Madhav who had woken up by then, had a proud glint in his eyes, while madhavi felt like hugging her darling devotee.

"tell me why in the world of hari did you bark?". Madhu asked the dog who barked again, lifting its left leg up and pointing at the driver's cabbin.

He barked again, this time more frantic.

"what is wrong with you?" she again shouted and the dog barked again.

Now, the passengers were curious as well.

"he's scared, and wants to alarm us of something,". Said madhav, a knowing glint in his eyes.

The driver herd this and knew what it was about.

"the dog's cot smell of the substance in the bomb,".

The driver whispered and immediately, there was a sound like a keeeek.

The driver felt his breathing heavying as the passengers stopped whatever they were doing.

Keek, keek, the bomb's sound increased as one screamed , recognising the sound.

"there's a bomb in the bus".

"the dog of madhu started to houl and low and behold,..."


Let this be a cliffhanger

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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