disclamer, dedication and authar's note.

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this story is purely based on the authar's imagination. there is no intentions to hert anyone or their Sentiments.

any places, events, or characters of the story like in other stories,, are purely coinsidental.



om vikneshwaraya namaha.

i bow to shri ganesha or lord vikneshwara.

may my book begin with no obstacles and have a beautiful ending.

om saraswati namusthubhyam varade kama rupini vidyarambham karishyami sidhir bhavatu mesada.

oh mother saraswati, i bow to thee. let me have your blessings while i start this book and let words flow through my hands that would keep my readers thrilled.

om namo narayanaya.

oh my beloved narayana, i bow to you. help me write this story in such a way that i would take the readers to another world.

i dedicate this book to you, oh hari.


authar's note.

welcome, dear readers to yet another story.

i had an idea of writing such a story since long. i  would be grateful if you support me in this story, too.

its the 3rd time im writing upon my guruvayurappan. only he knows if i will succede in whatsoever im doing now....

hope you will enjoy.

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