1. the mahavatara

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madhurakshi's POV()

I looked out of the window, fealing nothing, not even the slightest light. There was just a soft brese, that caressed my cheeks.

The winds blew softly, and the churping of the crickets filled me with a peace that I'd never had in my entire lifetime. But, I knew this peace was momentous, as it would be destroyed into a million peaces as soon as my aunt came in.

And that is what exactly happened. The door to my room swung open and my aunt , avatirini walked in, her face having a sinister smile.

"finished dreaming? Come, you brat. Help me out in the kitchen. You are here for all that alone, now. No one will marry you cus you know the reason, don't you? So you better live , serving me and your uncle, and helping me in the kitchen. Your sister has gone, off to a new family. She won't return to protect you".

She said wickedly, and grabbed me by the wrist, dragging me all the way to the kitchen.

This was what was happening after jivu, my one and only sister, had left home, married into a new family. The marriage was forced, and I was not sure if jivu liked it.

You can't just imagin , you are living with somewhat peace in your home, that was taken overby your uncle and aunt, and one fine day, you are informed that you are about to get married, that too the groom will be presented at the day of yourmarriage.

I could not help, but immagin the broken expression on jivu's face. I felt like her heart broke into a million peaces.

My jivu , I knew, was not someone to express her fealings that openly to anyone. If she took the liberty of expressing her hidden fealings, then it was to me, and our beloved Narayana. None else knew the Vulnerable side of my jivu other than the both of us, me and, Narayana.

Ok, now ... gone off topic.

So, my aunt was dragging me to the kitchen, and I had no expressions on my face. When on the night after jivu had left, she had pushed me down and said, "from now on, you are our servant", I felt horrified. I didn't know if it was all a dream or just the reality. But gradually, I came to know it was all a crashing reality, which I could not help, but accept.

I was brought out of my thoughts by the loud banging of a steal plate against the counter I stood in front of.

"lost in thoughts, are we?" my uncle's Taunting voice reached my ears, and I imagined him giving me one of his wicked grins.

You would be propably wondering, how am I understanding what my dear loved, or rather, close onse are expressing on their faces. Its all the qualities of my lovely jivitha.

When I was almost in a stage of dipression after I'd lost my site, due to that stupid accident, she had told me. "remember, madhu. This isn't your weekness. If one of your senses are not working, alert the other four Senses and I am sure, you will notice the change.

Here through your ears, smell through your nose. Feal through the atmosphere around you and look through your inner eye, your sixth sense.. alert your brain and tell it it must increase its memory. You will be better than those who can see the world, darling".

Well, again, went of topic.

"what is this madhurakshi, can't you stay on a topic at a time?".

Well, again, I was brought out of my thoughts by uncle sharma throwing a glass full of water over me, drenching me completely.

I was startled and gave him an appologitic look.

"go, clean the dishes, you useless thing".

Aunt avatirini rored and I flinched. I controlled the urge to cry.

(MADHURAKSHI MADHAVAM)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant