Chapter 14: Time Out

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At night at a pizza place, Donnie, Lauren, Jolene, Isaac, and Macy are hanging out.

"I'm glad you two decided to come."
Said Donnie

"I've always loved pizza. Jalapeño pizza is my favorite." Said Isaac as he eats it.

Donnie eats a slice, but he has pizza sauce on his face. Lauren grabs a napkin and uses it to the pizza sauce off Donnie's face. Jolene saw this and was upset.

"You got a story to write, Jolene?"
Asked Isaac

"Well, there's one about a guy in Mathis City who dresses like an eagle and fights crime like Fast-Dash. Then another one in Paisley City that has speed like Fast-Dash." Said Jolene

"That's interesting." Said Donnie as he smiles.

Donnie's phone beeps. He changes his expression when he sees what happened.

"I have to go." Said Donnie as he got up.

Lauren gets up to follow him.

"What's going on?" Asked Lauren

"Kurt escaped. The security guards from Steel Gates Penitentiary were transferring him to Gladiator Corps. There's a cell ready for him." Said Donnie

"Go, I'll cover you." Said Lauren

Donnie takes off his backpack and opens it, revealing his Fast-Dash suit inside. Then he left. Lauren goes back to Isaac, Macy, and Jolene.

"Where did he go?" Asked Jolene

"He remembered that he had to get an order for Gladiator Corps." Said Lauren

On a street, Fast-Dash is zooming off to Steel Gates Penitentiary. He makes it to Kurt's cell and sees that it's empty.

Hours later, Wade and Ryan arrive. Captain Dunn is waiting for them.

"What happened here?"
Asked Ryan

"Kurt Tyson escaped. He was supposed to be moved to Gladiator Corps. A cell was prepared for him."
Said Captain Dunn

Donnie arrived at the crime scene.

"How did your date go?"
Asked Wade

"I had to leave because of this."
Said Donnie as he walked to Kurt's cell.

Donnie started examining the cell. He sees the power dampeners weren't inside of Kurt's cell.

"Got something?" Asked Ryan

"The power dampeners were supposed to be installed to keep Kurt from using his powers. They're not."
Said Donnie

"We'll put an APB on him."
Said Captain Dunn

The next day at Gladiator Corps HQ...

Donnie is trying to locate Kurt.

Macy walked in and asked,
"Well, anything?"

"The power dampeners weren't installed inside Kurt's cell." Said Donnie

"Did the Reverse-Dash do it?"
Asked Macy

"No. The surveillance footage didn't get a glimpse of him." Said Donnie

Commander Morris walked in.

"Nothing on Kurt?"
Asked Commander Morris

"No." Said Macy

"Donnie, come with me."
Said Commander Morris

"Why?" Asked Donnie

"Just come with me."
Said Commander Morris

Donnie got up and went with Commander Morris.

Lauren sees that they're leaving.

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