Chapter 4: Fast-Dash is Born

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Donnie's Voice-over: "Having super-speed is one thing, but knowing when to use it is another. My dad taught me everything that I need to know about being a speedster. I can not only run super-speed, but I can get things done very fast."

At Gladiator Corps, Donnie is reading at super-speed. He's reading a book about alternate earths.

Lauren walks in and askes,
"What's that you're reading?"

"A book about alternate earths." Said Donnie

"I thought parallel universes was fiction." Said Lauren

"Let me show you something." Said Donnie as he puts the book down.

Donnie grabs a board and a marker.

"This is the earth we are existing in now. Earth-1 [He draws a circle and a number on it.] This is the second earth. Call it Earth-2. [He draws more circles.] And these other earths are almost identical to ours. They are infinite possibilities like, you being a singer." Said Donnie

"That's not bad. Is it possible to travel through dimensions?" Asked Lauren

"Definitely." Said Donnie

Donnie picks his phone and looks at it.

"What is it?" Asked Lauren

"There's a armed robbery at 6th and Reynolds. A truck is carrying a expensive diamond." Said Donnie

Donnie changes into his suit and zooms off.

The truck is driving in the middle of the road. There are 4 men riding on motorcycles. One of them was able to get on the back of the truck. The robber points his gun and shot the door open.

Donnie made to the armed robbery as one of them enter the back of the truck and takes out all of the 4 men. The 4 guys were confused and got on their motorcycles, fleeing the scene.

In a flash of orange electricity, Donnie speeds away.

Later, there are police cars everywhere...

"I want this locked up to the end of the block." Said Captain Dunn

Wade was inside the truck. Ryan walks up to him.

"Everything's still intact. They were after the Crimson Diamond. It was going to the Reywood City Museum for exhibition." Said Wade as he gets out of the truck.

"Security guard says there were 4 guys. One of them was able to break in. They fled the scene empty-handed." Said Ryan

"The security camera showed the Red Streak. The same one that took down Marvin and Tyson."
Said Captain Dunn

Back at Gladiator Corps HQ, Donnie has changed out of his suit. He's a white long-sleeved shirt, black jeans, and Chuck Taylor shoes.

Commander Morris and a woman in her 30's walk towards Donnie.

"Donnie, this Agent Macy Hayes." Said Commander Morris

Donnie shakes the woman's hand.

"Ryan Hayes is your brother." Said Donnie

"That's correct. And I know you're that Alpha-human speedster running around in the red suit." Said Macy

Donnie has a confused look on his face.

"Commander Morris told me about you." Said Macy

"How much?" Asked Donnie

"A lot. Nice meeting you, Donnie." Said Macy as she leaves.

"You told her about me?" Asked Donnie

"She asked if there's anything she has to know. I told her about you." Said Commander Morris

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