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[Open Ext. It's a Wash]

(You and Steven are at the car wash, sitting on chairs outside, You were scrolling threw your phone, Steven was reading his own texts while texting on his.)

Steven: "Hey, Connie. How are you today?" "Hope everything's going okay." "It'd be cool if you told me it was..." "I guess I miss you." "I know yesterday I said, "I guess" but I mean," "I do miss you..." "Hope you didn't get your phone mixed up with a tennis ball. Ha ha." A tennis ball? Really, Universe?! *sighs*

Y/N: Still trying to find somethingn to say to Connie?

Steven: Yeah

Y/N: Aw, Don't worry buddy, I'm sure you'll think of something

Greg: Help! Ah! Yah! Back!

(Greg is then seen struggling to remove a water hose that is tangled around himself.)

Greg: Ugh! Hey, uh, Guys, ughh, want to give me a hand over here?

Y/N: Hang on

(You go over to help Greg with the hose, You then try to untangle the hose but it's revealed that the hose is tied in a knot)

Steven: Uh, yeah, Dad, one sec.

(Steven reluctantly sends a final text to Connie, reading "Please talk to me.")

Y/N: Steven, A little help over here?

Steven: Sorry. Sorry. I'm on it.

(Steven runs up to help You free Greg, Steven bites off a piece of the hose, freeing Greg.)

Steven: *grunts* Are you good? Are you safe? Do you still love me?

Greg: Yeah, of- of course, buddy. It's just some hoses. I can buy new ones. I still have like... 9 million dollars left, and what better way to spend that than on some hoses, right, kiddo?

Steven: Yeah, Dad.

(Steven's cellphone vibrates and gasps in shock. He holds out his phone and reluctantly checks it)

Y/N: So, Is it Connie?

(Only to see a text from Ronaldo.)

Steven: *sighs* No

Ronaldo: (Voiceover) "STEVEEEN! So. Did you ever get around to watching the "Koala Princess" box set I lent you three months ago?"

(Steven sighs in dismay.)

Greg: Hey, is... everything okay? You're looking a little glum.

Steven: I am a little glum.

Greg: Do you want to talk about it?

Steven: Umm... It's just... space lag... from when Me and Y/N went to space. *walks off*

Y/N: He just needs some time

(You grab Your backpack)

Greg: Hmm...

[Trans. Int. Beach House]

(Back home, Steven is absentmindedly wiping a plate with a soap bottle, still sighing in disappointment, when his cellphone starts vibrating again.

Steven: Ah! *throws the plate and soap bottle away in surprise* Waahh!

(Steven reaches for his phone but then pauses himself.)

Steven: Wait. No. I need to play it cool.

(Steven casually flips over his phone and eagerly checks his phone screen.)

Ronaldo: (Voiceover) "I'm just gonna assume by your silence that you're entangled within the immersive koala lore of the show." "Did you get to the part where Koala Princess and Kanga-Roofus kiss?"

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