Lars' Head

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(Following the events in "Off Colors", You, Steven and the Off-Colors observes in awe as the recently-resurrected Lars wakes up from his supposed-death.)

Lars: *groans* What the heck just happened?-

Steven: *hugs Lars tightly* Lars! You saved us! You stopped the Robonoids, but- but one of them exploded, and- and you weren't moving, and I started crying. *gasps in realization* I brought you back to life! It was an accident. I mean, I probably would've done that on purpose if I had known I could do that, but I didn't really ask your permission, so I'm sorry.

Lars: *confused* Back to life? So I was... away from life? 

Y/N: If by away from life, you mean dead, Then yeah

Lars: Aah! *looks at his body* I'm pink!

Steven: Ah! I know! 

Y/N: How do you feel?

Lars: I don't... really know.

Steven: But your body, are you sore?

Lars: No.

Steven: Are you tired?

Lars: ... No.

Steven: Do you feel good?

Lars: No?

Steven: Do you feel bad?

Lars: No?! I guess I just feel really freaked out?

Steven: Well, I am, too

Y/N: Same, Guess we're in the same boat huh

(Looming noise are then heard in the distance.)

Rhodonite: They're back. Those Shattering Robonoids are back!

Fluorite: Quickly... Block the entrance...

(The Rutile Twins, Rhodonite and Fluorite run off to block the entrance.)

Steven: Lars, you stay here and rest. *follows the others*

Lars: All right.

Padparadscha: I predict, Lars will change in hue. What a mystery!

(Rhodonite and the Rutile Twins begin pushing a large rock towards the entrance. You and Steven quickly join them and push the rock with great strength, surprising the other two Gems.)

Rutile Twins: Whoa, strong.

Y/N: Well I mean that was all Steven, but yeah, he is ain't he?

(You, Steven, Rhodonite and the Rutile Twins successfully pushes the rock into place.)

Rhodonite: Is this gonna be enough?

(The red scanning beams from the Robnoids shine from the gap in the entrance are heard, and the noises fades in distance, as the Robonoids move on elsewhere.)

Fluorite: have...overlooked us...for...the time...being...

Padparadscha: Quickly, block the entrance!

Y/N: We're gonna need to get that Future Vision checked out

Steven: As long as I'm here, they're gonna keep coming after us.

Rhodonite: It's true. This was a horrible plan.

Steven: Should we try to find a new hiding spot?

Rhodonite: No, no, no! If we leave this cavern, we'll be completely exposed.

Fluorite: But...if we stay here, ...they'll...find us...for...sure...

Rutile Twins: So, we either stay here and get caught... Or we go out there and get caught.

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