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       WHEN falling to someone what comes first, the feelings or the situation? Would always be worth it to fall in love to someone without anything in return? How would you cope up with the situation that is very unfamiliar to you when it comes to love?

AS XHYRYN NAYA DE CHAVEZ enters college her main goal is to graduated in Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering with flying colors, to make her parents proud, to not disappoint them, and to make her dreams come through. But suddenly, everything went up and down, when she met the man that will make her life go wild and like a roller coaster.

A noisy, irritating and a stubborn YSXYMYL NOAH CASTILLO, the guitarist of a band called TRIOSS. He’s a varsity He’s a varsity of a volleyball in the Technological University taking up Political Science, he’s greatest dream to be a ruthless attorney that will defend the poorest of the poor.

But what will happened if these two people fall in love with each other, will they make it? Will they grow together? If one of them are afraid to take the risk of showing how they love each other?

When It's the Right TimeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ