Chapter 9

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"Even now you don't show you are shocked."

"Anyway, you were like a guardian angel to me. You would always be there for me even though you never talked to me. But, you would protect me always. You know, when I was young you even caught me before I could fall so that my butt doesn't hurt?"
She started smiling after that.

But I really don't know what to make of this. I have so many questions running through my head. I don't even know which to ask first. But wait, did she say I didn't talk to her?

"Mel, you were there throughout my childhood when I was in the 3rd circle. You were there when my father was transferred to the guard post  to the 6th circle too  "

"The only time you talked to me was when I nearly got myself killed in the desert. You saved me then too. You wouldn't tell me your name then. Hell you wouldn't tell me anything"

"I was so frustrated that I broke into tears then and yelled but even then you didn't say anything. You just stayed still and looked. Looked at me with so much love in your eyes. Then you slowly opened your arms and enveloped me in a big warm hug"

"That's when you told me your father was in the guard post like mine. Though it's probably a lie. You told me you were going through a rough patch. A lovers quarrel between you and Callum though you didn't give me specifics saying I'm too young."

"You looked like you were going to die Mel.
And I mean without him. But you also told me you couldn't give him what you wanted the most.

"So you were thinking whether or not to let him go. Cause you couldn't bear to see him like that. Even then you were putting his feelings before yours."

"That's when I promised  myself. I'll be there for you. I'll search all the circles if I have to find you again from 1 to 6. But I'll find you and be there for you, in the shadows  like you were there for me"

"I'll be there when you need someone turn to. I'll protect you which is why I really worked hard in my training sessions. I'll work harder if I have to"

"So please"

"Please don't leave me behind again. I wanna be with you from now on. And you need me too"

She paused for a sec

"You do don't you?" She asked hesitantly.

She wasn't looking at me but if she did she would have seen tears running down my face
Where else am I gonna find such a passionate, loyal and lovable fool for my best friend.

I just hugged her and cried. And she. Well she did the exact same.

"Please confess. Please."

"And also give him what he wanted so much. You told me that what he wanted was nothing difficult for most people. What he was asking for was something that is very natural to give
Maybe you can give it without realising it?" She asked hopefully

I didn't say anything. Just hugged her tighter.
A little while after that Miranda fell asleep.

I guess I finally understand why there's a difference in how I see Miranda and how others including Alex see her.

My mind perceives her as a little child spreading her wings. Someone to take care of, to protect, to cherish and to love. From what she said, knowing what little I do about myself I'm pretty sure I think of her as my own child. Though she's not my blood.

Also she sees me as someone who will disappear if she does something wrong. This explains why she was so careful around me at the beginning. Why she's nervous or makes the most mistakes before me or why she gets flustered easily.

But she's still herself even if she's careful.

Hopeless. Completely hopeless.

From now on I hope she's more at ease. I'm not leaving her from on and I'll show to her with my actions.

I gently stroke her hair to see a soft smile show up on her face. It made me smile too. I realized then. The love I feel for her when I see her. It was there from the very beginning. I just didn't realize it.

Just tonight I want to be close to her. I laid down beside her. She's a gift. One I intend to cherish with all my heart.

"Alex, let's go see the gardens together?? One last time pleeeaaaassse. Tomorrow is the selection ceremony. We may not get another chance either" begged Miranda

"Miranda love, I'm busy tonight. If you want I'll even get special permission just for us to stay for a day or 2 longer to view them"

"Wow so dependable" I teased,  earning a glare in my direction

"but she wants to go today Alex. Just go, won't you"

"Why are you on my side?" she asked surprised
Busted, maybe it's the guilt for what I put her through. I couldn't answer so I just turned the other way

"I really can't Mir, how about you and melody go instead"
"No buts, I'll make it up to you. I love you" was what he said before he ran out of there leaving her pouting.

Weird. He tries to put her first as much as possible. Guess he has something to prepare for tomorrow.

"Alright, alright put your pouty face away, I'll come with you. I want to see them anyway and maybe stop by that music room on the way"

"I guess I have no choice but to do it with you" she said in a disappointed voice

"Is that so. You know, I just remembered I have something to do too...." I teased

"Noooooo , you said you'll do it , so you're doing it. That's final"
"Let's gooooooo"

I follow her laughing

Reminisce and Strengthen, My ButterflyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz