Chapter 8

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" I wonder what's for dinner. I'm really really hungry" groaned Miranda.

"I'm more interested to know what the announcement after dinner is?"

"Don't deny. You're hungry too. You gotta be. Me and Alex sit in one place all day and I'm hungry. How can you and Callum not be after your hellish training"

Oh no. How do I tell her I ate a snack secretly an hour ago.
"What are you looking so guilty about?You ate something without me didn't you. You TRAITOR"

"Alex" she whined. Someone who doesn't need to read minds to tell what I'm thinking.

Both the men were looking at us with twinkling eyes doing their best to hold back their chuckles

Alex just opened his arms which she immediately ran into crying grievances while he was soothingly stroked her hair. He really loves her doesn't he. I really really hope they stay like this forever. I'll pray for them.

"Come on Love birds, we need to fill our empty stomachs and your displays of affection is not very filling" Callum said amused.

"Humph all her fault" Miranda said.
After a very filling dinner, we are now sitting in the auditorium waiting for our announcement.

"Callum, just one hint"
"-"he just sighed and smiled
"Ask him one more time Mel, he'll give in this time"

This earned a glare in her direction. Wow, guess she was right.
"Leave my poor girl alone. Be angry at mel for pestering you"
"Huh" I let out a fake gasp just as the pope walked in.

Callum looked like he had something to say but thought better of it and looked on ahead.

Miranda looked at me and signed we have to talk
I signed back ok.

"May the light be your will and show you your way. I have an important announcement to make. Due to circumstances unfortunately or fortunately we have decided to hold the selection ceremony earlier this time."

Gasps were heard across the hall.
Early? Not by a day or a month but by 6 months. And you call it early! Really??

"Now now calm down. It will be held in 3 days. From what I gather from my reports there might not even be a need for selections.There are very clear lines between the best and the rest."

Angry voices where heard among the candidates. I mean I would be. How could they. I'm not prepared. I had this routine I planned out to train myself ( physically of course ).

But because of this, well..... all 4 of us just became the centre of attention. There were others of course but as we were gathered together....

"Alright don't make them feel uncomfortable. There will be selections but they won't be required to participate. Do I hear any objections?"
A fewer number of disapproval than before which calmed down in due time.

I guess this is because whoever are our opponents will not have a fair chance. They know that. They have a better chance getting selected this way.

"No. Excellent. The best will have a separate competition among themselves to decide their placement in the ceremony. Both competitions will take place simultaneously to save time"

Why do I feel like we have been tricked. If we are given the worst option and then a little better option it really does works wonders doesn't it.

"The selection process will start tomorrow at dawn. Prepare yourselves and give it your all.
And do remember even if you are not selected, the past few months each of you grown ever so much. This is a great feat in itself. And I hope that what you learn here will be of use in the future

Thank you for your patience in listening to this old man speak. That'll be all

May the light be your will and show your way"
"What just happened" asked Miranda in a voice like she still doesn't believe the pope just said that.

I don't. I'm still panicking about what to do. But what's really surprising is that the men's expression didn't change a bit. Plural. Did Alex know too? Both were so calm while they were returning to their rooms like a bomb didn't just drop on them

"Mel" she whispered
We wasted the past 2 hours thinking about something inevitable."
I couldn't help it I smiled
"Inevitable is a big word little child"
That earned me a glare which I laughed it off

"Anyways are you going to confess or not?"
Ok.  That wiped the smile from my face
"Mel, whether your chosen or not. Both of you will part ways soon"
I know that. Of course I know that. But that doesn't.....

"He loves you Mel.
I can see that.
Alex can see that.
Hell the whole world can see that"

"That's a bit of an exaggeration"

"Mel just confess. It's better to just do it than regret  in your later part of life that you should have. Please Mel, why do you think I confessed to Alex in the first place?"

I take a second to pause and then sighed to be more dramatic and said "Ok, I'll do it"

"I don't think you're going to do it"

I'm speechless. How can she tell on my lie so quickly. I thought after those passionate lines shouldn't I at least appease her and think about consequences later? But this girl

"Mel, I know we've known each other for only 6 months but actually it's a lot longer than that


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