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Walking across the sand my thoughts raced. I tried to ignore everything I was feeling, biting my lip so hard it was bleeding.


I stopped as a figure stood in front of me. Thomas. My heart dropped as he stood there worried. I felt tears flood my eyes as he stepped towards me. Then it all hit. I collapsed into his arms and felt my heart strain. My breathing stuttered as I held onto Thomas. He wrapped his arms around me tightly and dug his head into my shoulders.

"We have to save them, we have to figure this out, I can't watch anyone else die," I said crying. He nodded and held my head tightly.

My feet dragged along the sand as the sun set. I kept a couple steps behind Thomas as his figure was shadowed in the sun. My eyes burned from the dry air and sandy breezes. Newt walked up next to me and looked over at me smiling softly. I gave him a sad smile and looked back ahead.

"Are you okay?" He asked me. I shrugged and pursed my lips.

"Alive," I said with an awkward laugh. He gave me an unsure look and shook his head smiling.

"Who are you gonna choose?" He asked. I cocked my head and stared at him.

"What?" I asked.

"Minho and Thomas," He replied raising his eyebrows. I sighed and rubbed my face.

"I don't want talk about that. There's bigger problems than that," I said bluntly. Newt nodded with a soft smirk. I rolled my eyes and kept walking.

Night fell and we all found a spot in the middle of a desert area to camp for the night. Fry made a fire as we all set up blankets and sleeping bags. Everyone sat around and stared into the embers in silence.

"You know I can't believe i'm saying this, but I miss the glade," Fry said sniffling. I looked up at his weary expression. Everyone nodded and agreed. Thomas wiped his nose and swiped a tear off his cheek.

"We have to find the Right Arm, for everyone we've lost," Newt said sighing. I gave him a soft smile and looked back at the fire.

My eyes shot open to the sound of thunder in the distance. Lightning flashed across the sky as I woke up. My arm was hooked across Minho as he laid asleep. I quickly moved my arm off. Shit. Sitting up I looked around at everyone else who was asleep. The thunder grew louder. I shook Minho quickly in a panic.

"Get up, we need to move now," I said grabbing my stuff. He looked around confused.

"Everyone get up now! We need to get out of here!" I yelled. Everyone groaned and slowly got up.

"Now!" I yelled louder. Thomas stood up and looked around at the flashing in the distance as thunder roared. He gave me a scared look. We all grabbed our stuff and took off running. I stared ahead at faint lights in the distant.

"There!" I yelled pointing. Everyone ran behind me. Lighting struck down around us, blowing sand around from the ground. I looked back at Newt running behind the group. He was limping. I dropped back a little and ran next to him.

"Are you okay?" I asked him. He nodded slowly. After running for a couple minutes we got closer to the lights  illuminating a building. Lighting was striking around us every second. I could barely hear anything. Approaching the building we were dodging lightning strikes and sprinting towards the door. A loud lighting strike shot down at us. My ears rung as I flew back and slammed into the ground. Grabbing my head with my hands I clenched my jaw as the pain shot through my head. My eyes slowly refocused on Minho's limp body lying on the ground, smoking. Fear ran through me. A pair of hands grabbed me and pulled me up.

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