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My feet dragged along the sand as we all made our way towards a large sand dune. I walked in front of the group and slowly climbed up the dune, praying I didn't slip. Eventually we all got to the top and stopped, staring out at the sandy terrain in front of us. The wind blew against our faces harshly.

"There, that's them," I said pointing at the mountains far away in the distance.

"It's like we're getting further," Layla said sighing.

"We just have to keep going, we'll get there," I said as we all started walking forward. All the sudden Winston collapsed and slid down the dune. We all ran down to help him in a panic. He heaved and coughed as we surrounded him and grabbed onto him as we all slid. Reaching the bottom we all stared down in worry and tried to help him up. He winced painfully and collapsed again.

I walked with a scarf covering my face as the wind howled and sand blew around. Winston laid on a stretcher we made that Minho and Thomas carried. Layla walked next to me as we made our way across the sandy ground. We finally saw a few large concrete blocks that were leaning against each other, maybe from a highway or something. We walked under and sat down in the sheltered area. I took a deep breath and enjoyed the lack of wind and sand. We all relaxed and caught our breath, leaning against the concrete, waiting for the wind to stop. I leaned on Layla's shoulder as we held each other in relief. Thomas leaned against a tall block and stared out at the distance. Minho and Newt laid asleep next to Winston. Fry sat eating a protein bar. I slowly shut my eyes and fell asleep.

My eyes shot open to the sound of silence and peace. The sand storm had stopped. I sat up and looked out Layla standing by herself in the distance. Standing up I walked over and crossed my arms as Minho watched me make me way over to her.

"Hey," I said nudging her from behind. She smiled at me and crossed her arms staring out at the sandy dunes.

"We were friends, before the maze, best friends," Layla said looking at me teary eyed. I tilted my head and stared at her confused. The dreams, they were right.

"How do you know?" I asked confused. She lifted her dark hair and showed me a mark on her neck. I gently touched it and clenched my jaw.

"They gave it all back, my memories, everything," She replied shakily. I bit my bottom lip and stared in disbelief.

"When we met I was so much taller, stronger, smarter. I was still so jealous of you though. Now look at you, you're the cooler one. We did everything together, we loved each other. I remember everything. You, Thomas, WCKD, all of it. I remember everything," She said sniffling. I swallowed hard and gave a soft smile.

"We have to go back," she said bluntly. I scoffed and raised my eyebrows in shock.

"Are you insane?" I asked angrily.

"Listen, we can explain that we were just scared, so we ran. I remember why we did it, why we were there, we were finding a cure. We still can," She said stepping closer to me and touching my arm. I slapped her arm and pulled away shaking my head.

"No. No. We've busted our asses to escape them, we're not going back. We've lost too many people to give up," I said pursing my lips.

"You used to be so passionate about finding a cure. They thought for sure you would find it. Then you fell in love with Thomas, and all his guilt. You two were so special, so important to WCKD. Nothing else mattered to them, not even me. You gave up and followed him. You left me there," She said crying softly. I shook my head and pursed my lips.

"We can go back. Just the two of us. You're my best friend, I need you," She said sniffling.

"No, Layla, no ," I said sighing as tears stung at my eyes.

"We were so close. We almost found it. Everything would've been fine if you two never," Layla said before pausing. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Never what?" I asked. She stared at me intensely. As I opened my mouth to speak, a loud gunshot rang out. We both looked back and heard Thomas and the other gladers yelling. We ran over confused. My heart dropped as I saw Winston grasping for a gun. He made these horrible groaning and yelling noises. I felt my eyes sting as he rolled over. Looking up at Thomas he gave me a worried look.

"Winston?" I asked as he started to calm down and take deep breaths. I grabbed the gun and slid it into my waistband, kneeling down next to him. He looked up at me wearily as tears rolled down his cheeks. Lifting his shirt he showed us all the infected scratches on his abdomen.

"I'm infected," He said. Thomas shook his head and covered his mouth.

"We're going to figure this out," Newt said nodding nervously. I pursed my lips and looked at Winston. He gave me a firm look. I knew what he wanted.

"Don't let me become like one of them," He said crying softly. I bit down on my bottom lip and felt the tears roll down my cheeks.

"No, Winston no," Minho said crossing his arms. I shut my eyes and stood up.

"This is what he wants Minho," I muttered wiping my cheeks.

"Please?" Winston whimpered, reaching his hand up to me. I looked at Thomas and everyone else as they started grabbing their bags.

"What do we do? We need the gun?" Newt said. I sighed and looked at him. His expression dropped as he stood up straight and nodded.

"Come on, let's get going, we'll meet up with you at the top of the dune," Minho said pulling his backpack over his shoulder. I watched as everyone walked off across the sand. Layla looked back at me with a sad expression and kept walking. I sighed and looked down at Winston. Kneeling down next to him I took a deep breath and brushed his hair out of his eyes.

"I'm really sorry Winston," I said breaking down. His eyes were glossy and bloodshot.

"For what?" He asked quietly. I held my head in my hand.

"That I couldn't save you," I cried. Winston smiled softly and shook his head.

"You did save me, in the maze, from WCKD, from the Cranks. You didn't just save me though you saved all of us. You saved my best friends, and nothing I could do could ever repay you for that," He said shakily. I sobbed and looked up.

"I just wish you could come with us and see the world, no matter what happens," I said exhaling slowly. He grabbed my hand firmly and looked up at me.

"Promise me, that no matter what, you and Thomas will find a cure, will save as many people as you can. Protect each other, okay?" He asked. I nodded and pursed my lips as they trembled.

"Don't kill him Cassie, he loves you. You guys are special, you'll figure it out," He added smiling. I nodded and smiled back.

"Now get out of here, go save them," Winston said. I nodded and stood up crying softly. He gave me a soft smile as I pulled the gun out of my waistband.

"I can't," I said shaking my head and crying.

"Please," Winston said shaking. I loaded the gun and placed my finger above the trigger.

"I'm sorry," I said sobbing.

"Goodbye Cassie, take care of them for me," Winston said with a weary smile.

"Goodbye Winston," I said as I pulled the trigger.

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