59 | drink tea to help you sleep or some shit like that

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Shit, shit, shit, shit. How did I oversleep? Fuck, Aizawa is going to have my head, shit, shit, shit.

She was using her Quirk, but due to her irrationality and speed, she'd started knocking stuff over, so she'd opted against using it. Maybe she could use it to run to the school? Shit, she didn't get to eat breakfast either.

She ran out of the elevator barefoot, her school shoes in her hands. She put one of them while jumping, then tried to put the other.

''Shit!'' she yelled as she almost face-planted, though she managed to catch her balance and put her shoe on. Talk about skill!

As she stumbled into the living room, she was met with twenty pairs of eyes all staring at her in silence. Embarrassment filled her. Not again!

''Sorry! I almost fell.'' Y/n laughed awkwardly as she straightened up. She suddenly stopped and her eyebrows furrowed. ''Wait.Why are you all here? Shouldn't you be in class already? I was running late! Is everyone late?''

''L/n.'' Iida cleared his throat, seemingly trying to hold back laughter. ''We don't have first period.''

''Oh.'' A lot of chuckles filled the space. ''Fine, fine, laugh at me! Whatever. I'm too tired for this. Is there any cereal? Also, what're you guys talking about?''

''We need two guitar players for our group,'' Jirou filled her in.

Right. The class had decided they were going to do a live concert for the school festival. Y/n didn't see how the other classes would find that entertaining, considering they mostly hated their class, but she couldn't complain when she hadn't even been there during the vote.

''Oh. I can play the guitar.'' Y/n pointed at herself. ''I haven't in a while, though, so I might be a little rusty. Nothing a little practice can't fix, though!''

Jirou's eyes lit up. ''That's great!''

Mina rushed over to her, gasping dramatically. ''You can play the guitar? You never told me!''

Y/n shrugged. ''I mean, you never asked.''

''This is good! Jirou will play the bass and sing, I'll do the keyboard, Kaminari the guitar and now we have a second guitarist and a drummer, too!'' Momo clapped happily. ''This will turn out great, guys!''

Y/n furrowed her brows. She looked at Jirou. ''Who's the drummer?'' She only knew one person from the class who could be the possible candidate.

''Bakugo agreed to do it,'' Jirou said, pointing at him with her thumb.

That was the first time their eyes met since that night. Y/n perked up. ''Oh! That's great. He's . . . a good drummer. We'll be great, right?''

She couldn't read his expression. His hands were in his pockets as usual, and his posture was just as bad as always. His scowl was present, too. ''Right.'' His voice, however, was soft. A glimmer of hope.


''Mina, I have a plan.''

''I'm scared.''

''It's a good one, I promise.''

Y/n closed the door to Mina's room after herself and plopped down on the bed, cross legged. Mina sat up, too, abandoning her phone and hugging a pillow.

Mina's eyes darted between Y/n and the paper. ''What's that?''

''This . . .'' Y/n raised the paper as if it were made out of gold. ''Is my ticket to Bakugo's forgiveness.''

Mina raised an eyebrow. ''A piece of paper?''

''There's words on it, Mina.''

''Oh! Let me read.''

speedy | bakugo katsuki x fem!readerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora