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I came to the kitchen and saw Laira was cooking. "Good morning Laira". 

"Morning, I was waiting for you, let's have breakfast" she said. I nodded and started eating. "Laira, I was thinking about visiting the orphanage today"... 

"yeah sure Yusra, anyways we are free today, so let's visit" she replied. I smiled looking at her. After getting ready, we drove off...

Every year around my birthday, I used to visit this place. As we entered the orphanage, I saw Mrs.Anna coming towards us with a wide smile. She has been taking care of this orphanage for more than 30 years. I went forward and hugged her with a smile. "Dr.Yusra and Dr.Laira, we were actually waiting for you both" Mrs.Anna said. "We apologize, actually we had some work yesterday" I said with an apologetic tone... 

"No problem Doc's" Mrs.Anna said with a smile. I told my driver to keep the things inside which we bought for the kids...

I was so busy playing with them. I don't know why but the connection with these kids feels so good. They love me like their own family. Mrs. Anna and I were talking when she said "it's good you both came today". 

"Why Mrs.Anna, any special occasion" Laira asked. "yes actually, orphan keeper sons are visiting today" she replied...

Suddenly my phone started, I excused myself as I got a call from the hospital. "Mrs.Anna, I got an emergency, I think we should leave now" I said. "It's ok doc I totally understand" Mrs.Anna said. We bid goodbye to everyone and left. As soon as we came outside we saw two cars heading inside...


We arrived at the orphanage. I saw children happily playing around. I found peace seeing their smiles. "now I understood why dad loves to visit this place" I said to Shayan bro. "Yeah Izhaan you are absolutely right" Shayan bro replied... 

"MR.SHAYAN AND MR.IZHAAN". We turned back, when we heard a voice calling us. We saw a middle aged woman coming towards us. "Mr.Shayan and Mr.Izhaan right"??? she again questioned us. "Yes" I replied. "Mrs.Anna, the caretaker" she introduced herself...

"Glad that you both came here to visit us" she said with a smile. "Mrs.Anna, we thank you for taking care of these children" Shayan bro said. She smiled and spoke  "let me give you both an overview of this orphanage"... 

We followed her. After an hour, we finally came to the playground and saw kids playing happily. Shayan bro ran over to play with them. l laughed seeing them. "Mrs.Anna, did someone else visit earlier, I mean I saw a truck outside" I questioned. 

"yes Mr.Izhaan, over the previous ten years, two girls have been to our orphanage to give donations for the children, they just left now". I nodded. It was almost evening when we left from there...

I returned back to my company and called my best friend, RAYYAN the COO of the company to see me at my cabin. I heard a knock on my door, I said "come in"... 

"Hey Izhaan, when did you return" Rayyan asked while coming inside. "just now and I need your help Rayyan, can you take care of tomorrow's schedule cause I've to meet Jenna" I asked in a pleading tone. "Don't worry Mr.ceo, your friend is here" he said with a laugh. "Thanks for saving me man" I said while hugging him...

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