Chapter 12

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The talk with Deon didn't go with I would've hoped for that child for having difficulty putting everything into words, the kids stayed with deon, trying to get him to eat or drink something. The only thing Deon had mentioned about his dream was a family The hardt family I had never heard of this family before the novel, were they in the parts I hadn't read? Why is Deon getting dreams about them? Are they his biological family?

Cale's thoughts were cut short by lady rosalyn "Is young master Deon ok? He seemed very shaken by the incident, I have also heard rumours that he was having trouble sleeping? Is that true young master?" . Choi Han and Lack's seemed to have the same question by the looks on their faces, Cale thought a minute "Yes Deon has been having some difficulties with sleep recently, Lady Rosalyn may I ask for a small favour if possible."

The lady nodded "I will try, it might be difficult since you know." Cale nodded understanding the situation around her having to go back to her family "My brother has been having some dreams around this family recently, the hardt family he hasn't been talking much but from what I have got from him, they are a family of 3, black hair and green eyes, that's it. Deon won't say anything else."

"I haven't heard of this fandom before but I will look into this if I get them, so young master might wish to have a different investigation, and maybe try to ask young master Deon about them. " Cale nodded and thanked her for the help. After receiving the invitation by the king for his medal, he went to Deon's room to check if had eaten anything or not. He opened the door to see Deon drawing something and the kids reading a book together.

The kids noticed him quickly and come to hug and told me what happened in my absence, Deon still hadn't noticed anything or anyone, He told them to go in his room and play while he had some privacy with Deon, they left after some convincing. He sat next to him and held his hand, Deon flinched away from him the gave a fake smile to him "Hyung your back sorry I didn't see" Cale sighed "So how are you feeling? Did you eat something while I was done?" Yes, Cale already knew the answer to the second question the kids had told him everything that happened while he was gone, Deon's mindlessly drawing and not responding to the kids or eating anything.

Deon's smile faded for a second before reappearing as if nothing happened "I am feeling better hyung and yes I had eaten already" Cale sighed "Deon I know your lying to me, the kids told me everything, I need you to tell me every that happened in that dream" . Deon backed away " The dream was nothing important, you should worry about yourself ! You coughed blood remember?" Trying to divert attention from himself.

"Nothing important you say? Then why does it seem to affect you that much? Deon you I saw how you reacted when you woke up from that dream." Cale stopped for a minute to see Deon's expression or lack of before he continuing " Deon listen I know that we are not close and you don't trust me much to tell me as I am just a person who is possessing the body of your brother, but I do see you as someone I care, ok?"

Deon tried to intervene but was shut down by Cale "let me finish Deon, I do want to help you, I don't know what's causing these dreams nor how to stop them but I can help you get through them and understand them but I can only do that if you tell me what's wrong ok? " Deon stated quiet for a while, he pulled Cale for a hug "It was different than the one I am used to, I was in a unfamiliar room, there were 2 people laying there dead ! I… I had the knife, it was bloody and I , I had blood over my clothes" Deon started to cry.

Cale patted his back, trying to encourage him to continue " Then the person I had seen before came into the room and called out to me, he looked horrified, I tried to reach out to him, calling him my brother" Deon stopped to take deep breath, Cale handed him some water. "I don't know how but knew his name it was cruel, cruel hardt , I called out for him to help me but a voice in my head kept telling me he would never help me and then I blacked out. That's all that happened." Deon looked at Cale to see his expression.

"Deon I want you to listen, what happened in the dream wasn't real ok? You didn't hurt anyone , I know you will never hurt anyone, not with your own will at least, ok? I believe in you" Cale held Deon close to him. "What if it will happen in the future? What if I do horrible things ? That god ! What if they knew and that's why they made that deal." Deon whispered as his nose started bleeding. Cale took care of Deon's face and brought him closer, as Deon tried to move away "Deon I want you to look at me ok? This is important." Deon looked at Cale after a while.

"I don't know what caused you to have such thoughts that you will cause harm to other, but you will not ok? And if you can let me help I will be there to stop and help you though what caused to you do that. You have to trust me on this. " Deon nodded "I want a yes and a no Deon." Deon hesitated "Yes I understand everything hyung." Cale patted his back for a while "wait here, I will go tell a servant to bring us food and I have one more thing to ask." Deon nodded

The kids came back after I left to call the servants and to come back to them nagging Deon, "Hyung! Please help me, they won't stop." I looked at him, looked at the kids and left once more. "Hyung!" I could hear Deon's shouts but I choose to ignore it


After everyone had finished dinner, Deon and I put the kids to bed, we were reading a book, when I remembered about the invitation "Deon I received a letter from the king about a medal for my assistance in the incident, I will be going tomorrow ,do you want to join me? It will be good for you get some fresh air, it might help." Deon through for a minute "Can we get some sweets after .?" Cale ruffled Deon's hair "well aren't you addicted to sweets? And sure we can get some" Deon huffed and continued telling Cale about the new novel he's reading

Becoming trash's family [INTKOT X TCF] Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora